General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Intersessional meeting of the Compliance Committee

29 January, 2015 -30 January, 2015

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The intersessional meeting of the Compliance Committee was held on 29–30 January 2015 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy. Following up on the conclusions of the eighth session of the CoC (FAO headquarters, May 2014), this meeting analysed the replies of Contracting Parties to letters of clarification sent by the GFCM Secretariat on the status of implementation of GFCM decisions and the submission of relevant data and information. Also, the CoC examined the activities of those non-Contracting Parties in cases where fishing vessels had been sighted in the Mediterranean or the Black Sea. The CoC took an important decision, that is sending letters of identification and letters of concern to Contracting Parties and non-Contracting Parties identified as being not in compliance, fully or partly, with GFCM decisions. Furthermore, progress was evaluated in the development of a database of national legislations for the Mediterranean and the Black Sea being established by the GFCM Secretariat together with the FAO Legal Office.