General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Workshop on the implementation of the DCRF in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

15 December, 2014 -16 December, 2014

Download the report (available in English only): PDF


The GFCM workshop on the implementation of the Data Collection Reference Framework (DCRF) in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (Madrid, Spain, 15–16 December 2014) provided technical suggestions for improving two sections of the DCRF document: 1) structure of the data collection; and 2) common practices for data collection. The workshop recognized that the DCRF was an appropriate tool for gathering the data and information necessary both for the provision of advice by the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and for supporting the adoption of sound management measures by the Commission. The workshop agreed on the draft terms of references related to the national focal point for data collection (NFC-DC), voiced support for this role as being instrumental in the correct implementation of, and follow-up on, the DCRF. Finally, the meeting proposed a detailed roadmap for the implementation of the DCRF and recommended using the proposed DCRF IT online platform as a core instrument in support of the DCRF; an instrument to be further developed by the GFCM Secretariat in accordance with agreed technical specifications.