General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Intersessional meeting of the Compliance Committee (CoC)

19 January, 2016 -21 January, 2016

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The intersessional meeting of the Compliance Committee was held on 19–20 January 2016 at FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy. Following the conclusions of the ninth session of the CoC (Milan, Italy, May 2015), this meeting analysed the replies of Contracting Parties to letters of identification and requests for clarifications sent by the GFCM Secretariat regarding the status of implementation of GFCM decisions and the submission of relevant data and information. At the same time, the meeting reviewed requests for technical assistance received by the GFCM Secretariat with a view to addressing existing gaps in compliance. Moreover, the CoC examined answers to letters sent to relevant non-Contracting Parties whose fishing vessels had been sighted in the GFCM area of application and reviewed other cases previously brought to its attention. Furthermore, progress in the revision of the Compendium of GFCM decisions was reviewed and a course of action for finalizing this work was discussed. Finally, preliminary information was provided on the declaration of an “International day for the fight against IUU fishing”.