General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (SRC-EM)

6 March, 2018 -8 March, 2018

Download the report (available only in English): PDF

Download Appendixes 4, 5 and 6 (ZIP format)


The second meeting of the Subregional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean (SRC-EM) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) was held in Chania, Greece, on 6–8 February 2018. The aims of the meeting were to: i) to carry out technical sessions on deep-water red shrimp and DLS; ii) to compile relevant information on the status of Eastern Mediterranean fisheries and provide advice to the SAC; iii) to discuss a potential revision of the list of priority species in the Eastern Mediterranean; iv) to provide an overview of the work of other SAC subsidiary bodies (e.g. the Working Group on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems [WGVME] and the Expert meeting on the formulation of advice on fisheries [WKADVICE]); v) to identify priority topics for the subregion; and vi) to prepare a draft work plan to address such priority issues.

The SRC-EM formulated a draft advice on issues related to fisheries in the subregion, including a summary of the status of the stocks, advice on the assessment of data-limited stocks (including of deep water red shrimp and round sardinella) and measures to manage eastern Mediterranean deep water red shrimp fisheries in conjunction with the central Mediterranean subregion, the establishment of a monitoring programme for alien species, a revision of the priority species list according to the needs of the subregion and a detailed work plan for the assessment of these species, including the organization of benchmark assessment sessions.