Workshop on the management of European eel (WKMEASURES-EEL)
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The Workshop on the management of European eel (WKMEASURES-EEL) was held in Gammarth (Tunisia) on 16 April 2018. The main objectives of the meeting were to: i) review the work done since the GFCM Transversal Workshop on European eel held in Salammbô, Tunisia, in 2010; ii) identify management priorities, including the definition of objectives and management targets; and iii) provide advice on the implementation of management measures to ensure the recovery of the stock and the future sustainability of the fishery.
During the meeting, summaries of the data available and the work done on the assessment and management of European eel within the GFCM were followed by presentations of the situation (data, assessment and management measures) in many of the involved contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties (CPCs). On the basis of the information provided, the group discussed the way towards the management of this species at a regional level and drafted the technical elements in support of a management plan. In doing so, the group provided advice on scope, objectives (general and operational), indicators and reference points, fisheries management measures, decision rules, scientific monitoring, research priorities to improve the assessment and management of fisheries, and fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance.