General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Meeting on the initial appraisal of existing and potential management measures for rapa whelk, piked dogfish and European sprat in the Black Sea – WGMSE and WGMEASURES

9 May, 2024 -9 May, 2024

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


Management strategy evaluation (MSE) provides a framework to test alternative management strategies in a simulated virtual environment before applying them in the real world, while appropriately reflecting the trade-offs among the management objectives of stakeholders. Management strategy evaluation is included in GFCM multiannual management plans in several subregions. In 2022, during its forty-fourth annual session, the GFCM approved the terms of reference for evaluating different management measures for specific fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, also foreseeing qualitative appraisals, if and when needed. This evaluation aims to assist the Scientific Advisory Committee on Fisheries (SAC) and the Working Group on the Black Sea (WGBS) in providing advice on the effects of these measures for the fisheries covered by GFCM decisions, such as those for rapa whelk, piked dogfish and European sprat in the Black Sea. In the light of this, the BlackSea4Fish project organized an online workshop on a qualitative appraisal and evaluation of alternative management measures for these species on 9 May 2024. During the workshop, Black Sea experts touched upon several subjects, such as an introduction to quantitative MSE and its process, existing management measures for the three species and a summary of relevant stakeholder meetings. This work is considered a stepping stone towards a future quantitative MSE.