Report of the Working Group on VMS and related control systems (WGVMS)
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The Working Group on VMS and related control systems (WGVMS), was held on 20 May 2021, online. Discussions mainly revolved around the progress made during the two-year intersessional period towards the harmonization of the monitoring, control and surveillance practices in the framework of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) area of application. The need to urgently ensure the full implementation by all contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties (CPCs) of national vessel monitoring system (VMS) was emphasized in order to promptly operationalize the establishment of a centralized/regional VMS and related control systems by the GFCM. The WGVMS also addressed the monitoring of fisheries restricted areas by CPCs noting the importance of furthering concerted efforts at the regional and subregional levels. Finally, the WGVMS discussed the enhanchement of the mutual assistance system and the upcoming information system for the exchange of port State measures-related data.