General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report of the Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal Species (WGSAD)

18 January, 2021 -30 January, 2021

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal species (WGSAD) was held online on 18-23 January 2021 (western Mediterranean stocks) and 25-30 January 2021 (central and eastern Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea stocks). The main objectives of this meeting were to: i) review the consistency of procedures to provide advice; ii) review the assessment of demersal stocks; and iii) run a hands on data session to deal with methodological issues. 

Out of the 56 assessments presented, 55 assessments were validated: 48 were accepted as providingquantitative advice, while seven were considered as providing qualitative advice. Some of the assessments were accomplished in the framework of the relevant working groups of the Scientific,Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries of the European Commission . Of the 55 accepted assessments only four indicated sustainable exploitation: Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in geographical subarea (GSA) 9 and red mullet (Mullus barbatus) in GSAs 15, 22 and 24.