General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean - GFCM

Report on the thematic workshop on turbot fisheries in the Black Sea

25 October, 2023 -25 October, 2023

Download the report (available only in English): PDF


The thematic workshop on turbot fisheries in the Black Sea, held on 25 October 2023, marked an essential gathering within the framework of the International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (SOFAS). Hosted at the Central Fisheries Research Institute (SUMAE) in Trabzon, Türkiye, the event brought together researchers, representatives of country administrations and CetaByM pilot project participants in the field. The meeting featured a diverse range of presentations and discussions that provided valuable insights into various aspects of turbot fisheries in the Black Sea. Field experiences and preliminary results from the CetaByM project were also presented by participating experts and partnering institutions from Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, and Türkiye. Ongoing activities and future plans of the project were discussed. The overall conclusion of the meeting was to continue the CetaByM awareness-raising and fishing effort assessment activities in 2024 for the reference year of 2023. Further testing of acoustic deterrent devices (PALs) and mitigation measures to improve statistical significance was also recommended.