REDDCopernicus Regional Learning Exercises Workshop - South America

International Partner(s): CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites),GAF AG,Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),Wageningen University
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 30/09/2020 - 01/10/2020

REDDCopernicus is a project to design a future Copernicus Service on REDD+ and Forest Monitoring. As part of this, a series of online workshops were held to demonstrate different prototype products to improve forest monitoring and reporting in the context of REDD+ MRV as well as other environmental monitoring programmes. Prototype products for forest monitoring were demonstrated in interactive hands-on sessions. The products were Analysis Ready Satellite Data, Forest/ Tree Cover Status Maps, Forest Cover Change Maps, Forest Disturbance and Alerting Maps, Platform and Service Solutions for Data Processing, Download and Analysis. Case studies were presented for ten test sites across the tropics to enable participants to interactively assess the presented concepts. The specific objective of the workshop was to gather user feedback on these products. Participants gained knowledge and examples of how to use the presented products.
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REDDCopernicus Regional Learning Exercises Workshop - Southern African Development Community (SADC)

International Partner(s): CLS Group (Collecte Localisation Satellites),GAF AG,Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),University of Wageningen
Country Implementing Partner(s): Malawi (Department of Forestry), Zambia (Forestry Department), Zimbabwe (Forestry Commission), Mozambique (National Directorate of Forestry), Tanzania (National Carbon Monitoring Center, NCMC)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 06/10/2020 - 08/10/2020

REDDCopernicus is a project to design a future Copernicus Service on REDD+ and Forest Monitoring. As part of this, a series of online workshops were held to demonstrate different prototype products to improve forest monitoring and reporting in the context of REDD+ MRV as well as other environmental monitoring programmes. Prototype products for forest monitoring were demonstrated in interactive hands-on sessions. The products were Analysis Ready Satellite Data, Forest/ Tree Cover Status Maps, Forest Cover Change Maps, Forest Disturbance and Alerting Maps, Platform and Service Solutions for Data Processing, Download and Analysis. Case studies were presented for ten test sites across the tropics to enable participants to interactively assess the presented concepts. The specific objective of the workshop was to gather user feedback on these products. Participants gained knowledge and examples of how to use the presented products.
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Regional Workshop in Early Warning Systems for Deforestation

International Partner(s): GEE,GFOI Partners,MapBiomass,SilvaCarbon,UMD,Wageningen University,World Resources Institute
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2021 - ongoing

SilvaCarbon will host a regional workshop focused on the development of early warning systems for deforestation. The workshop will showcase Early Warning Systems methodologies applied in different countries and regions. The goals of the workshop are:1. Assess the current state of EW technologies for forest monitoring, including their technical specifications and other notable features related to operational systems.2. Capture user experiences to date with EW technologies.3. Consult providers of EW technologies to identify how they currently assess and seek to address user needs. This workshop was planned for 2020 but was postponed because of the pandemic. Early Warning Systems are needed to support monitoring systems, but they are not itself a monitoring system that can be used for REDD+ reporting. However, they will provide information on drivers of degradation (small disturbance), as well as prediction of deforestation.

Regional Workshop in Mangroves Mapping

International Partner(s): GFOI,Google,National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),SilvaCarbon,USGS Pacific Islands Center
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministries of Environment, REDD+ and GHGi teams
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - 2022

A workshop in selected regions on "Mangrove and Wetlands AGB inventory and Mapping". The workshop will consist of a hands-on exercise to teach participants how to generate maps using open-source software and code (e.g. QGIS, Google Earth Engine, Python). The participants should be able to reproduce height and AGB products, design field campaigns, and update inventory. This workshop was scheduled to take place on 2020 but was cancelled because of the pandemic.

Regional Workshop in Mapping Forest Heights Using LiDAR Data

International Partner(s): National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),University of Maryland
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ teams at the Ministries of Environment
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2021 - 2022

University of Maryland and NASA have generated mangrove canopy height maps for 2014 based on TanDEM-X data for Latin American countries (Colombia and Peru). Currently, they are producing Up-to-date maps to delineate mangrove extent. Maps for the countries will be delivered with a raster grid of 30 meters. This workshop will be hands-on to transfer the technical capacity needed to implement the methodology developed by UMD and NASA.

Regional workshop in the use of global products in support of the UNFCCC Gloabl Stocktake

International Partner(s): Australia,JAXA,National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),SERVIR Hubs,SilvaCarbon,USGS
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ teams at the Ministries of Environment in Central African countries and CEOS West and East Africa countries
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - 2022

The CEOS AFOLU Roadmap identifies opportunities for using EO data to quantify the extent and dynamics of land use activities and impacts at the global level and in relation to the NDCs that individual countries are engaged in and which national-level datasets might support. The Roadmap identifies and engages with a broad range of stakeholders, including national and international bodies such as the national inventories communities who are charged with the compilation of the GST, and the UNFCCC, who will be collecting and validating the GST inputs. SilvaCarbon will organize a regional workshop that will present all global datasets that have passed the GFOI CALM process and are operational to test if they can be integrated into the mapping component of the NFMS.

Reporting for Results-based REDD+

International Partner(s): Norad,PWC (UK)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification

Reporting for Results-based REDD+ (RRR+) aims to support 14 tropical forest countries in their efforts to move towards systems of payment for performance in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+). Specifically, the project aims to develop capacity for measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors (AFOLU).

South-South Technology Transfer, Co-Learning Exchanges, and Peer Networking Events

International Partner(s): Various regional partners
Country Implementing Partner(s): National Governments and other partners
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - Ongoing

Although all tropical forested countries face similar technical challenges in the development of national forest and landscape monitoring systems, there has been relatively limited exchange among technical counterparts from peer countries to date. There are tremendous opportunities to advance forest monitoring progress through focused South-South exchange. The experience of SilvaCarbon countries working with other peers on shared forest monitoring challenges has significantly enhanced countries' capacities and provided valuable opportunities to strengthen their knowledge and skills with reduced donor support. Recognizing this, the Global Program will increase its efforts to identify and facilitate opportunities for productive South-South technical exchange among SilvaCarbon countries. This approach increases self-reliance among SilvaCarbon countries and strengthens the global community of forest monitoring experts and practitioners. In FY22, SilvaCarbon will support technical exchanges and sharing of forest monitoring knowledge, skills, and experience across countries and regions. South-South collaboration has proven to be very successful in strengthening forest monitoring capacities globally and is thus an important component of SilvaCarbon global programming. This activity may include travel support for experts from one country to provide technical assistance to another, intensive in-country training for multi-country delegations (i.e., study tours), multi-country working sessions focused on a particular topic (e.g., possible exchange on peatland carbon between Central Africa and Indonesia), or exchange of information at regional or international meetings (e.g., a SilvaCarbon session at GFOI Plenary, SilvaCarbon Capacity Building Summit). These activities are often proposed by SilvaCarbon regional programs in response to specific feedback or requests from in-country counterparts. Given the COVID-19 Pandemic, there may be more opportunity for regional south-south exchange between neighboring countries, rather than inter-regional. SilvaCarbon will also explore opportunities to support virtual or remote approaches to south-south exchange. Additionally, the USFS and USGS will collaborate to organize and facilitate international study tours, meetings, and consultations to promote co-learning about shared technical challenges. These activities may include international study tours to the US or other locations focused on common technical challenges, as well as global meetings and consultations on topics of mutual interest.Online networking and e-learning has an increasingly important role in international technical exchange, but there is still an immeasurable value to experiential learning, face-to-face discussion, and in-person collaboration. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to present ever-changing challenges, FY22 brings a unique opportunity to explore the benefits of blended learning programs, which are designed to optimize the combined advantages of e-learning and in-person experiences. The SilvaCarbon program will utilize best practices established by USFS seminar programs, study tours, and recent e-learning courses to facilitate co-learning and skill development among professional learners from multiple countries. To minimize cost and carbon footprint, the program will deliberately consider which topics, locations/case studies, and participants should be prioritized for in-person programs (as evolving pandemic conditions allow) versus virtual learning and collaboration.
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Sustianable Forest Trade in the Lower Mekong Region UN-REDD Initiative

International Partner(s): FAO,UN-REDD
Country Implementing Partner(s): Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mynamar, Thailand, Viet Nam
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
- 2023

Across Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam, surging global and regional demand for timber, forest products, and agricultural products are mounting the pressure on forests and land resources in the region. The UN-REDD Programme supports countries in the Lower Mekong Basin and China to strengthen their forest governance, and to ensure that trading of wood products is legal and sustainable.

Technical Expertise Contributing to Expert Working Groups, Research, and Development

International Partner(s): GFOI,SERVIR,SilvaCarbon,World Resources Institute
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - ongoing

The SilvaCarbon Program covers travel and salary costs for recruited technical experts and SilvaCarbon team members who are participating in SilvaCarbon activities related to forest and terrestrial carbon monitoring. These experts will support the implementation of technical assistance activities to SilvaCarbon's country programs and regional programs, and will require international travel to the Latin America and Caribbean region, Central Africa, and South/Southeast Asia. This activity will also support the participation of USFS experts in key technical meetings and working sessions focused on establishing international scientific standards and guidelines.

Testing and demonstrating forest change detection algorithms

International Partner(s): Global Observation for Forest Cover and Land Dynamics (GOFC/GOLD)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2019 - 2022

Testing and demonstration of the BFAST forest change algorithm and Sentinel-1 based Near-Real Time alerting system in different tropical regions, and showcasing these results in 5 regional workshops.

The Global Peatlands Initiative: Assessing, Measuring and Preserving Peat Carbon

International Partner(s): FAO,Greifswald Mire Centre,UN Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2021

Effective policies, improved methods, data and tools to support sustainable peatland management are made available globally and initiatives toward protection, conservation, restoration and sustainable use are well coordinated and implemented by key actors in the pilot countries of Republic of Indonesia, Peru, Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo with results that can be upscaled and extended to other countries. Capacities developed and data made available to pilot countries for integration of peatlands into planning and monitoring processes. Contribute to an updated overall assesment of the status of peatlands and their importance in the global carbon cicle.

Tracking Progress in SilvaCarbon Countries

International Partner(s): GFOI,SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2021 - 2022

As highlighted in the SilvaCarbon FY20-25 Strategy, SilvaCarbon countries have made considerable progress in forest monitoring. However, the way in which country progress is tracked and communicated can be improved. Tracking and communicating country progress in a clear and systematic manner is important for informing future programming, facilitating coordination with other programs, and demonstrating the value of SilvaCarbon support.The Global Program will build on the FY21 work to develop a system for tracking and communicating milestones achieved by the SilvaCarbon Program. The goal is to implement a practical means of identifying and sharing country progress and milestones to ensure consistent coordination among SilvaCarbon and partners, inform work planning and strategy development, and effectively communicate results and impact. Various examples and models will be explored to determine the most appropriate approach, and the end product may take the form of a database, dashboard, or other modality. Work in FY22 will include entering data into the dashboard and adjusting as needed. The Global Program also proposes contracting experts to conduct surveys with SilvaCarbon countries in the second half of FY22, to update the dashboard. This work will be linked to the Global Forest Observation Initiative's (GFOI) Country-Led Planning (CLP) Process, also supported by the SilvaCarbon Program.

Training of Trainers and Information Exchange Support

International Partner(s): FAO,GFOI,SERVIR,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Land use agencies, Universities
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - 2022

"In FY21, due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the program adjusted to remotely based engagement and delivery of technical support. This was enabled through the existing strong base of national specialists that helped facilitate the remote collaboration. Through increased involvement of universities and broadening the scope of involved agencies, the program was able to provide timely support to participating countries. In FY22, the program will continue to focus on expanding the Training of Trainers (TOT) approach through:1) developing training modules that can be used by other countries, including academic institutions2) support the publication of peer reviewed papers led by technical specialists from the region3) provide learning opportunities for junior technical specialists from the region, either remotely and/or in-person.4) facilitating virtual (or if feasible in person) lessons sharing workshops (FY22 topics include but are not limited to: forest degradation, biomass estimation, progress with machine learning for crops mapping, NFI)This activity is interlinked with almost all other activities in the work plan and will ensure that sufficient resources are available to dedicate to a sustainable TOT. "

West Africa Cocoa Dataset and Deforestation Risk Assessment project

International Partner(s): Cocoa & Forests Initiative,World Cocoa Foundation,World Resources Institute
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2021 - 2022

West Africa Cocoa Dataset and Deforestation Risk Assessment project

Women and Forest Carbon Initiative

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon,Training Resources Group (TRG),Universities, research institutions, and NGOs in participating countries
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2020 - 2022

Research Study (USGS)SilvaCarbon has reported a gender imbalance in the number of men and women conducting and participating in trainings, with lower numbers of women participating compared to men. SilvaCarbon wants to identify some of the drivers of this gender imbalance to better plan more inclusive capacity building efforts. The research study has two phases. Phase 1 has been completed, and phase 2 will be starting July 2021, and will be extended into FY 22. In phase 1, 46 individuals identified as subject matter experts participated, representing 21 SilvaCarbon partner countries in three regions: Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Interviews covering country context, an overview of forest carbon monitoring, and ideas for supporting increased involvement were conducted. Results of these interviews identified themes that transcend cultures and geographic borders related to challenges and solutions in gender equity in a scientific field. Results showed broad categories of challenges such as gender-related career characteristics, cultural and social norms influencing access to education, discrimination in the workplace, and others. This phase will be the base for the interviews in phase 2 (country officials). The outcomes will inform SilvaCarbon and other programs on potential solutions to overcome gender imbalance in forest monitoring programs. Mentorship Program (USFS)Background: The WFCI mentorship program was created to address gender disparities in SilvaCarbon implementation. The program aims to provide increased professional development opportunities to selected women in SilvaCarbon countries and in the US and to establish an international network of women engaged in forest and carbon monitoring work and study. The program was developed in FY20 and launched as a pilot in FY21. Current countries engaged include DRC, Cameroon, and Vietnam. NetworkWhile countries in the other regions are taking part in the mentorship program under the Women and Forest Carbon Initiative, countries in the LAC region will take a different approach. In the LAC Region, the SilvaCarbon team will create a network of women working in the field of forest carbon monitoring across government agencies, universities, non-profit organizations, etc., and will include women at various stages of their careers. The first stage of the process will be to assemble a small group of technical experts from the region to discuss the needs and how this network will differ from others already in place. The second stage will be to assemble a bigger group of individuals for an initial meeting. From there, the group will meet on a regular basis to discuss gender disparities in the field, share information about projects and initiatives in the region, and potentially meet in person for meetings, study tours, and workshops, travel permitting.


Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 National Workshop for Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, Termas de Reyes

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 26 August 2019 - 31 August 2019

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process.


Strengthening countries’ capacities to access to the Green Climate Fund, in particular REDD+ SAP and RBPs windows

International Partner(s): FAO
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Forestry (or equivilent)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2020 - 2021

Strengthening countries’ capacities to access to the Green Climate Fund, in particular REDD+ SAP and RBPs windows


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Country Implementing Partner(s): Magyp; Inta
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),CONAFOR,Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,USAID,USFS,World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Armenia Forest Atlas

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute
Country Implementing Partner(s): The Ministry of Nature protection
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2018 - 2023

The World Resources Institute has started to work with the Government of Armenia to create a "Forest Atlas", with information on forest land ownership from multiple ministries.


Azerbadjian Forest Atlas

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2018 - 2023

The World Resources Institute has started to work with the Government of Azerbaijan to create a "Forest Atlas", with information on forest land ownership from multiple ministries.


Forest Resources Assessment

International Partner(s): FAO,GEF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-17 - dic-20

Forest Resources Assessment and Monitoring to Strengthen Forestry Policy and Knowledge Framework


GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Direction Generale des Eaux, Forets et Chasse (DGEFC), Ministère de l’Environnement Chargé de la Gestion des Changements Climatiques, du Reboisement et de la Protection des Ressources Naturelles et Forestières
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support,Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.


OSFACO - Observation Spatiale des Forets d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest

International Partner(s): CNES,France,IGN,IGN FI,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Direction Generale des Eaux, Forets et Chasse (DGEFC), Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Developpement Durable (MCVDD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: apr-16 - dic-19

The OSFACO project aims to improve the knowledge of past and current dynamics in terms of land use and land use change in 8 countries of Central and Western Africa, based on Earth observation data and tools. Building on the results and achievements of previous support projects (OSFT, GEOFORAFRI), OSFACO strengthen and expand local expertise and ownership of satellite imagery in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies for sustainable land management . The main areas of intervention are : 1. Provision of recent high resolution SPOT6/7 satellite images, as well as SPOT archive images, on the participant countries, for all users involved in sustainable land use and sustainable forest management2. Support for local production of land use and land use change maps; technological transfer to update these data3 Capacity building and resources for spatial land monitoring and promoting the use of satellite imagery in the design and monitoring of public policies (training and pilot projects) Recipient countriesThe project benefits in 3 countries of Western Africa (Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin) and 5 countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo and Gabon)
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Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.

Burkina Faso

National FREL and MRV system

International Partner(s): Agriconsulting Europe S.A.,World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): FIP Coordination Unit, STN-REDD+, IGB
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: January 2018 - June 2021

Activities of the FCPF readiness grant. Development of the national Reference Level and operational MRV system for REDD+ and LULUCF.


Above Ground Biomass Equations and Tree Species List

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

The United States Forest Service (USFS) will support the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and partner universities as they develop aboveground biomass equations and tree species lists. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Bangladesh National Forest Inventory

International Partner(s): FAO,USAID
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2015 - 2019

The project aims to strengthen the forest monitoring system of Bangladesh. This contributes to both the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) context, the production of data required for international agreements, and support to forest policy and land management. The project will promote modern methods and technologies while ensuring the necessary conditions for building innovations that are adapted, adopted and feasible.


Bangladesh UN-REDD National Programme

International Partner(s): UN-REDD
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2015 - 2019

Through the Bangladesh UN-REDD national programme, the Bangladesh Forest Department, supported by FAO, will establish a forest reference level as a benchmark against which future forest carbon emission reductions and removals will be measured, so that the performance of the country in implementing a  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) programme can be measured, reported and verified. FAO will also support the implementation of a national forest monitoring system (NFMS) for Bangladesh.
More information:


Bangladesh – PEER Forest Monitoring Research

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

SilvaCarbon-Bangladesh contributed funding to support a Bangladeshi scientist who, through the Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) programme, is conducting research on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for forest-cover monitoring in Bangladesh. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Collaborative Research on Priority Silvacarbon Topics

Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support

SilvaCarbon has funded eleven research proposals addressing key issues in forest and terrestrial carbon measurement, monitoring, and management. Proposals were selected based on their applicability to the needs of SilvaCarbon country partners and their potential to contribute to capacity-building. These research projects were completed in 2017. The SilvaCarbon Program continues to compile and distribute research findings. In the SilvaCarbon Program "research" refers to analyses that respond directly to the specific technical needs and capacity gaps of SilvaCarbon partner countries, and that may also apply more broadly to other developing countries. In 2018, the SilvaCarbon Program will partner with other technical experts to conduct applied research on key SilvaCarbon topic areas. Some possibilities include monitoring forest restoration, optimizing sample designs and plot considerations for remote sensing, approaches linking forest degradation data definitions with remotely-sensed data, and estimating emissions factors. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Design of a remote sensing methodology for forest and forest change detection, tailored to the national context

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

Processing time-series Landsat data and acquiring and pre-processing RapidEye and Sentinel-2 imagery. Given the landscape heterogeneity of Bangladesh, a systematic comparison and validation of Landsat-derived products using RapidEye and Sentine- 2 data is important in evaluating the performance of Landsat. Another possible activity would include the integration of forest-inventory data on carbon stocks from United States Forest Service (USFS)-led SilvaCarbon work with Landsat-derived forest-area change data to assess aboveground carbon stock dynamics. New research efforts meant to more formally assess the potential gains and limitations of remotely sensed data sets will include a study of Bangladesh forest cover extent and change using RapidEye data. Through an agreement with Planet, the owner of RapidEye data, we can obtain access to the entire archive over Bangladesh for a fee. Given this access, we would assess forest-cover change in the 2010 to present period, quantifying the value-added information from 5 m spatial resolution data compared with 30 m spatial resolution data. Additionally, 20 m Sentinel-2 data will be similarly evaluated. Carbon stock change assessment would follow methods in peer-reviewed literature developed by the University of Maryland team. In summary, carbon stock strata are derived and combined with forest area change data using Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) good guidance practices. Results would be gross and net aboveground carbon stock change over a defined period, probably 2000-2016. Work would include a probability-based field assessment of change, with timing TBD.(Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Design the field forms and field guides/manual describing the approach and technique for data collection

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

This activity would focus on providing a refresher course for field supervisors and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) leads. This training would incorporate lessons learned and improvements identified from the first 2016-2017 field inventory season, and train any newly assigned staff. This would be recommended to the Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) as an annual national forest inventory (NFI) training. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Expert Consultation on Forest Landscape Restoration Monitoring

Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support

The SilvaCarbon Program will convene an Expert Consultative Workshop on Monitoring Forest Landscape Restoration in support of international, national, and subnational FLR activities. The workshop will explore processes and technologies for developing integrated FLR monitoring systems, as part of broader, existing, forest and landscape monitoring systems. Emphasis will be on monitoring at larger, landscape or national scales. This workshop supports efforts to facilitate national monitoring of Bonn Challenge commitments and the priority actions identified in the collaborative roadmap for monitoring forest landscape restoration that came out of the Drylands and Forest Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week in Rome, in April 2016. This workshop will bring together forest and restoration monitoring communities, including REDD+ monitoring researchers, international cooperation agencies collaborating on forest monitoring, and national practitioners. Expected outcomes of the workshop include: Compilation of best practices for developing integrated FLR monitoring systems Matrix compiling tools and technologies for FLR monitoring Workshop report, which will include understanding of gaps and next steps resulting from the workshop discussions (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Follow-on technical assistance to support the uptake of methods and skills introduced in regional workshops

International Partner(s): FAO,SERVIR-HKH,SERVIR-Mekong,SilvaCarbon,Various regional partners
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support,Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2019

To ensure that SilvaCarbon-supported activities and products are fully integrated into related national initiatives, SilvaCarbon will deliver targeted, bilateral assistance as a follow-up to regional workshops in Asia (including regional activities from previous years and proposed FY19 regional activities). Priority will be given to technical requests that demonstrate clear links to broader efforts at national level, such as access to climate funding, and activities that ensure collaboration with other programmes, such as SERVIR-Mekong, SERVIR-HKH, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Follow-up technical assistance may take various forms, including “details” or short-term assignments of USG technical experts to work alongside in-country partners to tackle a technical challenge, small group hands-on training sessions, and webinars and backstopping support. Potential examples include: (1) collaborating with SERVIR hubs to train government representatives in different aspects of the regional land-cover monitoring system (RLCMS); (2) country-level technical assistance as a follow-up from regional workshops/training; (3) other opportunities as they emerge, e.g. providing technical support to Cambodia in the area on integrating remote-sensing and field-inventory data, if funding of national forest inventory (NFI) activities is approved in 2019.
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Follow-up Webinar on Open Source Change Detection

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2019

During the regional SilvaCarbon training on change detection conducted at the end of March, participants from South and Southeast Asia identified two priority topics for further capacity-building support: the mapping of agricultural crops, and working with radar data. While both of these topics will require hands-on training, SilvaCarbon and the United States Forest Service (USFS) Geospatial Technology and Applications Center (GTAC) began the process by sharing some promising approaches in the form of video demonstrations and exercises. Those materials are available here. On 3 July a video conference with GTAC trainers was held to review the materials and discuss practical applications in the context of Cambodia. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Forest Inventory Sampling Design and Methodology

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

This task focused on designing the forest inventory and was completed during fiscal year 2016. The activity featured the following: (1) use of the Design Tool for Inventory and Modeling (DTIM) to decide which field variables need to be collected on the plots; (2) use of the Forest Resource Inventory, Edit and Design Tool (FRIED) tool to guide the process of choosing an appropriate sampling intensity and selecting an initial field plot design; and (3) discuss the use of pre- and post-stratification to improve accuracy and precision of desired estimates. This activity includes ongoing technical support for the forest inventory sampling design and methodology. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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GFOI-Related Research and Development

Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will continue its active engagement in the GFOI Research and Development component while exploring new opportunities to enhance synergies between GFOI and SilvaCarbon research initiatives. The SilvaCarbon Program will continue to support the participation of SilvaCarbon-funded researchers and Program staff in GFOI research and development workshops led by the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) program. While all of the areas of focus have not been defined, to allow for flexibility, some potential areas for continued work are accuracy assessments / uncertainty and forest landscape restoration monitoring. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Regional GFOI Workshop

International Partner(s): FAO,SERVIR Hubs,SilvaCarbon,USGS
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2018 - 2019

Aligning reporting from the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector under Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and the national greenhouse gas inventory is an important prerequisite for accessing results-based payments. Countries in the region, making progress towards harmonizing the different data sets, are faced with a number of technical and institutional challenges. While many of the key decisions related to data alignment are made at national level, countries can benefit from sharing related experience, progress, challenges and resources. This workshop will discuss operational approaches that can help with data alignment, and bring together senior-level decision-makers, paired with experienced technical staff directly involved in measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) processes. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), FCPF, and other partners such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), will collaborate on the workshop organization and opportunities for follow-up activities at country level.
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Regional GFOI Workshop on Selected Technical Topic (to be defined)

International Partner(s): FAO,SERVIR Hubs,SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2019

A second regional Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) workshop took place in 2018, which aimed to address emerging technical issues that countries are identifying as they progress withtheir national mapping efforts. Potential topics included statistical analysis and accuracy assessment of change estimates, data management, etc. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Regional Training on Forest Landscape Restoration Planning and Monitoring for Meeting National Targets and International Commitments

International Partner(s): FAO,IUCN,SERVIR-Mekong,SilvaCarbon,Universities, NGOs and private sector working on restoration
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2018

Building on the key findings and recommendations from the global SilvaCarbon programme's technical workshop on monitoring forest restoration (December 2017), the Asia Regional SilvaCarbon programme conducted a one-week, hands-on training for a mix of remote-sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) specialists from forestry agencies from selected countries in South and Southeast Asia. The training will help partner agencies to address their mandates for planning and monitoring large-scale restoration efforts, by sharing tools and methods for long-term monitoring, e.g. time series, spatial modelling, etc. The training will be planned in close consultation with senior forestry officials responsible for planning and monitoring forest restoration efforts, in coordination with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and SERVIR-Mekong, and partners such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC). (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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SilvaCarbon NASA-UMD Fellow

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2018

Under the SilvaCarbon-NASA Fellowship Program, a Bangladeshi scientist has been working alongside scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the University of Maryland to conduct remote-sensing research focused on detecting trees outside of forests in urban areas in Bangladesh. She completed the three-month fellowship in July before returning to Bangladesh to undertake a six- to eight-week follow-up project, which will transfer knowledge to the Bangladesh Forest Department to support the country's national forest monitoring system (NFMS). (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Support Remote Sensing Reaserch in Forestry

International Partner(s): FAO,National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017-2018 - 43344

In this phase of the SilvaCarbon-Bangladesh programme, in addition to research activities, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) increased its direct collaboration and capacity-building activities with counterparts in Bangladesh. NASA reached out to groups in Bangladesh working in this area, such as Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Bangladesh Society of Geoinformatics (BSGI), Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS), Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), among others, to explore new areas for research and collaboration. NASA continued to focus on remote sensing in forestry research and processing TanDEM-X and other space-borne imagery for forest carbon estimation research. Research to generate data sets for the national forest monitoring system (NFMS), such as height maps for forest inventory stratification, was also conducted during this phase.NASA collaborated with counterparts in Bangladesh on joint publications and research projects. NASA scientists participated in international conferences to present the results of NASA-led research collaboration. NASA will also work with SilvaCarbon-Bangladesh coordinators to facilitate the participation of counterparts from Bangladesh in the conferences.NASA will continue to focus on remote sensing in forestry research and processing TanDEM-X and other space-borne imagery for carbon estimation research. Research to generate data sets for the NFMS, such as height maps for forest inventory stratification, will be conducted during this phase. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Technical Training – SilvaCarbon Tools for Forest Monitoring

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Bangladesh Forest Department
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

University of Maryland technical staff to coordinate with and participate in all Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) training workshops using land-cover monitoring tools such as Collect Earth. In addition, annual training workshops are proposed to make operational national-scale annual forest-cover change updates using Landsat data. Updated annual Landsat time-series imagery will be provided and a two- to three-week workshop performed. Workshops should be held in March of each year. For 2017, the work will include a 2015-2016 update of forest-cover change. This task will be performed by two visitors from the BFD during a visit to UMD. A 2018 workshop to for 2017 forest cover change is also proposed to be held in Bangladesh. After the programme's conclusion, the only requirement would be the delivery of new updated Landsat imagery for use by BFD staff. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Training in TimeSync Remote Sensing Sampling Tool to Improve Classifications of Land Cover Classes for GHG Inventory

International Partner(s): FAO,SERVIR-Mekong,SilvaCarbon,USFS,USGS
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2019

The United States Geological Survey (USGS), Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Center, and Google Earth Engine (GEE) will deliver regional training in the use of the TimeSync remote-sensing sampling tool, that can be used in combination with Collect Earth to improve land-cover classifications.
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Strengthening of the forest data management and analysis process for making decisions.

International Partner(s): CCAD,Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ),REDD+ Regional Program,Selva Maya Program
Country Implementing Partner(s): Belize Forest Department / Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development and Immigration of the Government of Belize
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Institutional Arrangements
Date: 2019 - 2020

A integrated data-analysis tool will be built within the forest information system (FIS) to support decision-making. It will allow data to be read from different sources (online database, spreadsheets, geographic data, etc.) through automated processes and will be presented as dashboards showing data from the FIS and other external data sources. As part of the process the formation of a central data-management team will be strengthened, as well as the definition of protocols and institutional arrangements for their management.


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID),CONAFOR,Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,USAID,USFS,World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2018

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, integration of various data sets, operationalisation and governance. Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.


Biomass mapping of the Cerrado biome

International Partner(s): Carbomap,Ecometrica,National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO),University of Leicester
Country Implementing Partner(s): IPAM, INPE, Universisdade estatual de Goia, Universidade federal de Goias, UnB, Paisagens Sustentaveis
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016

Developing methods and capacity to map aboveground biomass at national level using machine learning techniques and combination of different sensors. The activity involves co-development of methods/algorithm and capacity building.

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Please feel free to contact the GFOI Office if you would like further information about specific activities or if you have updates and additional activities that you would like included in the Inventory