
Regional Workshop on Aligning Forest Reference Levels for REDD+ Reporting and GHG Reporting

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2019 - 2019

This workshop will bring together officials from Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Congo to discuss the methodology frameworks used to produce the forest reference level (FRL) submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The workshop will also deal with issues related to technical adjustments to the FRL already submitted and approved.


Reporting for Results-based REDD+

International Partner(s): Norad,PWC (UK)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Belgian government, CITEPA, COMIFAC
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Other

Reporting for Results-based REDD+ (RRR+) aims to support 14 tropical forest countries in their efforts to move towards systems of payment for performance in Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+). Specifically, the project aims to develop capacity for  measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors (AFOLU).


Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Environment
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Assessment of recent trends of deforestation and forest degradation and related drivers using SEPAL (CAFI)

Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2020 - 2023

CAFI is a unique initiative that supports strategic, holistic and country-level REDD+ and Low Emission Development investments while focusing on Central African high-forest cover countries.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC National Forest Management Systems (NFMS) Data Management Assesment

International Partner(s): FAO,JICA,SilvaCarbon,World Resources Institute
Country Implementing Partner(s): DRC Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) - Directorate of Forest Inventory and Management (DIAF), Directorate of Sustainable Development (DDD), National Fund for REDD+ (FONAREDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Institutional Arrangements
Date: 2021 - 2022

A data and information management assessment will be completed focusing on the National Forest Monitoring System including the AFOLU sector of the National GHG inventory. The assessment will provide recommendations for improved data management and access to information including institutional arrangements. It will also outline opportunities for more effective communication of information and data for the information produced to be better applied and used.This assessment will enhance the quality of the NFMS data system, which is the foundation for the implementation of MRV arrangements essential under UNFCCC and the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. Additionally, the institutionalization of data management and access to this information will improve decision making among key stakeholders and improve coordination.  

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo Forest Atlas

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l’Environnement et Développement Durable
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Policy and Design Decisions
Date: 2006 - 2022

The World Resources Institute (WRI) has worked extensively with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to create a "Forest Atlas", with information on forest land ownership from multiple ministries. WRI is also working with the government to prioritize GLAD early-warning alerts for action.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Development of REDD+ Registry in DRC

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): DRC Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) - National Fund for REDD (FONAREDD), Directorate of Sustainable Development (DDD), National Coordination-REDD (CNREDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - 2022

Develop online database to track and monitor REDD+ programs in the DRC. While this activity would initially rehabilitate the current non-operational REDD+ Registry and provide institutional support to CN-REDD to ensure its continued functionality, it will also take into account anticipated World Bank support to evolve into a transactional REDD+ Registry.Registries help increase transparency, credibility, and efficiency. A functional REDD+ Registry will improve DRC administration's ability to monitor REDD+ programs and improve decision making. It will provide meaningful data from which CN-REDD can aggregate and track multiple levels of REDD+ and emission reductions programs, reducing reduce the risk of double counting in nested REDD+ activities. This activity will coordinate closely with DRC policy makers to ensure uptake the registry is operationalized and serves as the central repository of information to not only record but disseminate data. Building a credible REDD+ database will allow transparent, efficient evidence-based decision making that serves as a key steppingstone in designing incentives, identifying financial mechanisms, and informs results-based payments.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme (MECNT)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

GFOI Regional Workshop on LiDAR in Central Africa

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): AGEOS, Environmental ministries, universities, research institutions, and NGOs in Central Africa
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Central African countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics.(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously as AfricaGEOSS efforts through the Agence Gabonaise d'Etudes et d'Observations Spaciales (AGEOS) in the region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) Remote Sensing Survey 2020 National Workshop Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa

International Partner(s): European Union (EU),International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC),National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI),Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 10 December 2019 - 16 December 2019

Following the recommendations from the 23rd session of the Committee of Forestry (COFO), FRA 2020 is conducting a participatory global remote sensing survey (FRA 2020 RSS) with the scope of improving estimates of forest area change at global and regional scales. The FRA secretariat, in collaboration with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (JRC) and the FAO working group on remote sensing, has developed a worldwide methodology for the FRA 2020 RSS, which is also scalable to national assessments. The scope and the methodological design of the survey were defined on the basis of experiences, in particular from the previous FRA 2010 RSS and taking advantage from technological progress as well as from the increased availability of satellite imagery. OBJECTIVES Provide independent and consistent estimates at global, regional and Global Ecological Zone (GEZ) levels on:• Land use and land cover area in 2018.• Changes in land use area and land cover for the periods 2000-2010, and 2010-2018.• Deforestation drivers.• Develop national capacities in remote sensing.• Build up a global network of FRA RSS experts. IMPLEMENTATION Image analysis is done through visual interpretation using Collect Earth Online software developed under the Open Foris initiative by FAO in collaboration with NASA. More than 35 national and regional workshops will be implemented in 2018-2020 to train about 800 country experts and collect data on 430,000 FRA remote sensing samples. PARTNERS The development and implementation of FRA 2020 RSS strongly relies on partnerships. FRA 2020 RSS counts on financial support from EC and NICFI and technical support from JRC, SLU, NASA, IIASA. Countries are actively engaged in the data collection and image analysis process.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Global Peatlands Initiative: Assessing, Measuring and Preserving Peat Carbon

International Partner(s): FAO,Greifswald Mire Centre,UN Environment
Country Implementing Partner(s): Minist�re de l'Environnement et D�veloppement Durable
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2021

data, built capacity, recommendations and best cases by increasing the long-term sustainability of peatland management while promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods in tropical areas.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Improved Methodologies for Measuring and Monitoring Degradation Using Statistical Analyses to Generate Degradation Data in the Central African Countries

International Partner(s): Boston University,Google Earth Engine,SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2019 - 2019

Boston University has developed a degradation algorithm that works within the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. A training workshop in the use of the GEE platform will first be delivered for several countries, then a regional workshop to test the degradation methodology and start mapping degradation as a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) activity for reporting if necessary.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Institutional arrangements gaps analysis for MRV in DRC

International Partner(s): FAO,JICA,SilvaCarbon,World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
Country Implementing Partner(s): DRC Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), National Fund for REDD (FONAREDD), Directorate of Sustainable Development (DDD), National Coordination-REDD (CNREDD)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Institutional Arrangements
Date: 2021 - 2022

To strengthen institutionalization of the NFMS, USFS will support an analysis on institutional arrangements for nested MRV/jurisdictional REDD+ programs. This study seeks to analyze the current measurement and reporting framework at national and subnational scales and identify challenges integrating subnational approaches into a single national system. This analysis will increase transparency and provide concrete recommendations on improvements necessary as well as propose follow-up activities needed. Currently there are a series of integrated REDD+ programs (PIREDD) being implemented across DRC. However, there is no established framework for linking MRV efforts at provincial and national levels. This activity will outline an institutional approach nested MRV in DRC and provide concrete recommendations to strengthen these arrangements.The National Government has emphasized the importance of the decentralization of national systems; however, the relationship between these actors lacks transparency. This effort will provide partners with a roadmap of the current state of MRV arrangements and strengthen integrating national and provincial efforts. This will serve as a building block for the DRC to develop an adequate REDD+ legal framework.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): FAO,University of Maryland,World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ Coordination, OSFAC, DIAF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Revision of the ER Program FREL and first monitoring

Democratic Republic of the Congo

NFMS and FREL support

International Partner(s): CAFI,FAO
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de L'Environnement et du Développement Durable
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2017 - 2020

Support for the design and implementation of a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS).

Democratic Republic of the Congo

OSFACO - Observation Spatiale des Forets d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest

International Partner(s): CNES,France,IGN,IGN FI,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Direction des Inventaires et Aménagements Forestiers (DIAF), Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme (MECNT)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: apr-16 - dic-19

The OSFACO project aims to improve the knowledge of past and current dynamics in terms of land use and land use change in 8 countries of Central and Western Africa, based on Earth observation data and tools. Building on the results and achievements of previous support projects (OSFT, GEOFORAFRI), OSFACO strengthen and expand local expertise and ownership of satellite imagery in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies for sustainable land management . The main areas of intervention are : 1. Provision of recent high resolution SPOT6/7 satellite images, as well as SPOT archive images, on the participant countries, for all users involved in sustainable land use and sustainable forest management2. Support for local production of land use and land use change maps; technological transfer to update these data3 Capacity building and resources for spatial land monitoring and promoting the use of satellite imagery in the design and monitoring of public policies (training and pilot projects) Recipient countriesThe project benefits in 3 countries of Western Africa (Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin) and 5 countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo and Gabon)
More information:

Democratic Republic of the Congo

OSFT - Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest

International Partner(s): CNES,France,IGN,IGN FI,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Direction des Inventaires et Aménagements Forestiers (DIAF), Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature et Tourisme (MECNT)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-11 - mar-16

The OSFT project (Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest) aims to make available SPOT images and REDD+ baseline data to forest actors in the Congo Basin. An exhaustive coverage of the Congo Basin forest countries has been achieved with recent SPOT satellite images.A dedicated 'REDDSPOT' user license has been designed to enable open access of all data available, for any REDD+ stakeholder. Beneficiary countries have signed a 'National Authority' license, allowing them to distribute data to the users (providing their request is first validated, i.e. data are intended to be used in the framework of sustainable forest management).REDD+ baselines have been produced over Central African Republic and Cameroon. They include historical and forest change maps (1990/2000/2010), and a more detailed reference map as at 2010, all fully compliant with IPCC and VCS standards. Several staff members of the REDD technical coordination team (MRV team) of each beneficiary country have participated in the production, control and validation of the forest maps.OSFT has responded to the growing demand for high resolution images required to build-up smart monitoring systems across the entire region. More than 100 beneficiary projects have been provided with high resolution SPOT images.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Programme Gestion Durable de l`Agriculture et de l`Elevage

International Partner(s): CAFI,FAO
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministère de l'Agriculture (MINAGRI); Ministère du Développement Rural; Société civile Paysanne; INERA
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Other
Date: mar-19 - feb-21

Programme Gestion Durable de l`Agriculture et de l`Elevage

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Programme Intégré REDD - Province de l`Equateur

International Partner(s): CAFI,FAO
Country Implementing Partner(s): Gouverneur de la Province de l'Equateur
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: ago-19 - apr-23

Programme Intégré REDD - Province de l'Equateur

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Provide Continued Technical Assistance on Implementation of DRC's National Forest Inventory

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): DIAF
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2019

Building upon previous support and technical assistance activities, SilvaCarbon will continue to support the implementation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's national forest inventory (NFI), which may include, but is not limited to: (1) supporting design for intensified peatland NFI plot sampling; (2) data analysis support for dry miombo forest types; (3) follow-up training on data analysis and interpretation of results with current NFI data already collected; (4) training on using allometric equations in data analysis and recommendations on which equations to use. Specific activities will be further elaborated through discussions with DRC's Department of Forest Inventory and Zoning (DIAF), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and other national forest monitoring system (NFMS) partners.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Provide Technical Support to DIAF to train forest inventory teams on inventory methodologies for peatland forests and develop a forest inventory sampling plan for DRC's peatlands

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): DIAF, FAO, CNIAF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2017 - 2018

SilvaCarbon has worked with the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Department of Forest Inventory and Zoning (DIAF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to train forest inventory teams on inventory methodologies in peatland forests as well as develop a forest inventory sampling plan for the country's peatland forest areas. This work builds upon similar work completed in the Congo and is the result of the request of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Government. As it is currently in the process of completing the national forest inventory (NFI), it would like the field teams to be specifically trained in inventory and sampling methodologies for peatland forests. In addition, the government has requested SilvaCarbon's technical assistance to develop a sampling plan for the inventory of the country's peatland forests. These activities hold particular importance as these peatland forests have high-carbon-rich soils. Part of the inventory protocol for these forest types is belowground carbon biomass sampling and having a statistically robust sampling plan will ensure good quality inventory data. Understanding more about these hard-to-access forests and having more accurate estimations of the carbon they store will allow for better management decisions, as well as more accurate reporting on the country's carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions. Technical input into the forest inventory sampling plan for peatland forests has been ongoing since December 2017. Additionally, a week-long training course will be held in Mbandaka (DRC) in January 2018 to train DIAF field inventory teams on sampling below-ground biomass carbon in peatland forests. The training will be facilitated by a SilvaCarbon expert and an agent from the Congo Centre National d'Inventaires et d'Amménagement Forestiers (CNIAF). This training was planned for FY17, but delayed multiple times for different reasons. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Provide continued technical assistance to DIAF, and DDD on inventory and MRV methodologies

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): DIAF and DDD
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2017 - 2018

SilvaCarbon will continue to support national forest inventory (NFI) and measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) design, development and implementation with targeted technical assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Department of Forest Inventory and Zoning (DIAF), and DDD focused on specific areas where SilvaCarbon expertise complements activities being supported more broadly by other international donors. One identified area of focus is NFI sampling methodologies for collecting soil samples in swamp forests to estimate belowground biomass carbon and complete forest inventory plots in swamp forests. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Regional Workshop on Aligning Forest Reference Levels for REDD+ Reporting and GHG Reporting

International Partner(s): FAO,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2019 - 2019

This workshop will bring together officials from Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Congo to discuss the methodology frameworks used to produce the forest reference level (FRL) submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The workshop will also deal with issues related to technical adjustments to the FRL already submitted and approved.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Technical Assistance on Wetland Forest Inventory

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

SilvaCarbon, through the United States Forest Service (USFS), is assisting the Democratic Republic of the Congo to include its carbon-rich wetlands in the national forest inventory. A Republic of Congo inventory agent who was previously trained by USFS on inventory field methodologies is now working with the DRC's Department of Forest Inventory and Zoning (DIAF) alongside a USFS expert to train DIAF field teams, with a focus on sampling belowground carbon biomass for wetland forest zones. SilvaCarbon has also been providing technical assistance to the Democratic Republic of the Congo Government on sample design for wetland forests under the national forest inventory framework, which complements the field training. The wetland work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo follows similar work previously conducted by SilvaCarbon in the Congo. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Train ministry technicians and university professors on methodologies and apporaches to estimate and report on greenhouse gas emissions

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Carbon Institute, CRESA, University of Kinshasa, ERIAFT, DIAF, DDD, CN-REDD, FAO, WCS
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2018

Building upon similar activities in Cameroon and the Congo, SilvaCarbon, in collaboration with the Carbon Institute and CRESA Forêt-Bois in Cameroon, provided technical training through a "train the trainer" model for university professors and ministry technicians, on methodologies and approaches to estimate and report on greenhouse gas emissions. Part of this model is developing university courses to ensure that future technical experts are trained with the overall aim of increasing the number of technical experts in the country. During a scoping mission in December 2017, the directors of the Carbon Institute and CRESA Forêt-Bois met with a wide range of partners in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to initiate exchanges and learn more about country-specific training needs. Some areas identified were estimating below-ground biomass and integrating into the national forest reference emission level (FREL), improving estimations of forest degradation and including this in the national FRELs, working with a laboratory at the University of Kinshasa on specific remote-sensing analyses for national reporting, estimation of carbon in different land-use and forest types, and developing a module on country-specific climate change related laws. A follow-up training session will be held in April 2018. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Training on Carbon Accounting

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2018 - 2018

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Carbon Institute, the Regional Center of Special Training in Agriculture, Forestry, and Wood, and the National Agriculture and Forestry School at Marien Ngouabi University held a training session for professors and ministry officials to develop a technical support programme on carbon accounting, increasing country capacity to measure, monitor and report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Training on Detection of Forest Degradation for Integration into National Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL)

Country Implementing Partner(s): DIAF, Wildlife Conservation Society
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2018 - 2019

In FY18, the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Department of Forest Inventory and Zoning (DIAF) technicians were trained in remote-sensing analysis techniques for detecting forest- cover change, which they used to generate data to calculate their forest reference emission level (FREL). To improve these estimates DIAF has requested follow-up training on integrating forest degradation into their FREL. Responding to this request SilvaCarbon will organize training in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for DIAF technicians on remote sensing techniques to calculate forest degradation. Using the skills gained during the training, the results of the degradation analysis will be used to update the Democratic Republic of the Congo's FREL.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Training on Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT)

International Partner(s): Moja Global,SilvaCarbon,UNFCCC
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2019 - 2019

Workshop to the Full Lands Integration Tool (FLINT), focusing on a systemic approach to MRV, using IPCC Approach 3, and integration of various data sets, Participants reviewed their national land sector policies to determine the minimum requirements for their national MRV systems and checked what improvements are required.

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Training on use of NRT forest change alerts

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2021 - 2021

Training on use of NRT forest change alerts


Assessment of recent trends of deforestation and forest degradation and related drivers using SEPAL (CAFI)

Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation,Reporting and Verification
Date: 2020 - 2023

CAFI is a unique initiative that supports strategic, holistic and country-level REDD+ and Low Emission Development investments while focusing on Central African high-forest cover countries.


Collaborative Research on Priority Silvacarbon Topics

Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple

SilvaCarbon has funded eleven research proposals addressing key issues in forest and terrestrial carbon measurement, monitoring, and management. Proposals were selected based on their applicability to the needs of SilvaCarbon country partners and their potential to contribute to capacity-building. These research projects were completed in 2017. The SilvaCarbon Program continues to compile and distribute research findings. In the SilvaCarbon Program "research" refers to analyses that respond directly to the specific technical needs and capacity gaps of SilvaCarbon partner countries, and that may also apply more broadly to other developing countries. In 2018, the SilvaCarbon Program will partner with other technical experts to conduct applied research on key SilvaCarbon topic areas. Some possibilities include monitoring forest restoration, optimizing sample designs and plot considerations for remote sensing, approaches linking forest degradation data definitions with remotely-sensed data, and estimating emissions factors. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Collect Earth Online Training

International Partner(s): SERVIR and FAO
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 43009 - 43373

Collect Earth Online brings a desktop application online. It is a user oriented platform for collecting and analyzing earth observation data. Collect Earth Online was developed by the FAO, SilvaCarbon, NASA-SERVIR, and the Spatial Informatics Group in FY17. Now that the platform is fully developed, this year SilvaCarbon efforts will focus on technical assistance, training and outreach. The approach will be developed over the next few months, in consultation with Collect Earth Online partners and country counterparts but could include preparation of materials for regional or national-level trainings and direct technical support. The SilvaCarbon Program will also work with FAO and SERVIR to arrange co-funding opportunities. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Development of a Consolidated MRV Decision Support Tool

Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 43101 - 43373

In previous years, SilvaCarbon countries have received exposure to and training on a wide variety of tools for MRV. Feedback received indicates that a user-friendly, consolidated and annotated decision support tool would benefit counterparts as a first step in evaluating and understanding some of the options available. It will include an evaluation matrix to help stakeholders understand the limitations and benefits of each software option and the technical capacity needed. This tool would complement the comprehensive MDG and REDDcompass. The SilvaCarbon Program, in consultation with local counterparts and REDDcompass training facilitators, will prepare this list. It will then be shared with partners for their use and distribution. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


Elaboration of policy briefs in RoC

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): Directorate General of Sustainable Development, Ministry in Charge of Environment; National REDD+ Coordination, Ministry of Forest Economy
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2021 - 2022

The outcome of technical analyses is mostly summarized in technical reports and the relevance to ongoing national and international policy processes is seldom elucidated. Moreover, the technical results are mostly difficult for non-experts to comprehend and establish the significance to ongoing policy processes. This activity will seek to interpret and present technical results related to the functions of the national forest monitoring system, in a manner that will facilitate the understanding by decision-makers. Technical support will be provided to national counterparts to develop policy briefs that will establish the relevance of technical results with ongoing national and international policy processes (for example tracking NDC, REDD+ results-based payments, afforestation and reforestation commitments). The aim of these efforts is to facilitate informed decision making regarding national and international policy processes related to sustainable management of landscapes and climate change mitigation.


Expansion of the database management system in CNIAF

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): National Center for Inventory and Management of Forest and Wildlife Resources (CNIAF)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Institutional Arrangements,Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2021 - 2022

Previously, dataset and reports related to the NFMS were randomly stored on computers (mostly private), impeding access to information and making it difficult to guarantee sustainability. SilvaCarbon supported the establishment of a framework and system to acquire, stock and provide local (internal) access to datasets (remotely sensed data, in-situ data, ancillary data etc.) and documents relevant to the NFMS. Technically, the installed server has the potential to store all information and data available in all the services and units within CNIAF (Inventory, Photo-interpretation, etc.). This activity aims to expand the database network to all other services and units in CNIAF and enable the centralization and archiving of all information and data in the institution.This activity is complementary with an institutional assessment of CNIAF carried out in the scope of CARPE using USAID's Participatory Institutional Capacity Assessment and Learning (PICAL) tool. The activity will address some of the institutional shortcomings determined by the PICAL assessment.


Expert Consultation on Forest Landscape Restoration Monitoring

International Partner(s): World Resources Institute, FAO, IUCN
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple

The SilvaCarbon Program will convene an Expert Consultative Workshop on Monitoring Forest Landscape Restoration in support of international, national, and subnational FLR activities. The workshop will explore processes and technologies for developing integrated FLR monitoring systems, as part of broader, existing, forest and landscape monitoring systems. Emphasis will be on monitoring at larger, landscape or national scales. This workshop supports efforts to facilitate national monitoring of Bonn Challenge commitments and the priority actions identified in the collaborative roadmap for monitoring forest landscape restoration that came out of the Drylands and Forest Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week in Rome, in April 2016. This workshop will bring together forest and restoration monitoring communities, including REDD+ monitoring researchers, international cooperation agencies collaborating on forest monitoring, and national practitioners. Expected outcomes of the workshop include: � Compilation of best practices for developing integrated FLR monitoring systems � Matrix compiling tools and technologies for FLR monitoring � Workshop report, which will include understanding of gaps and next steps resulting from the workshop discussions (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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Forest reference emission level

International Partner(s): World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Sustainable Development, Forest Economy & Environment
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2016 - 2017

Additional funding activities (subcomponent 4a): a) Coordination of the activities at the CN-REDD (1 MRV Unit Head, 1 Assistant), b) Modeling of emissions leakage for the ER program, c) Acquisition of satellite images, d) Improvement of the classification of forest stands (MRV base)


GEOFORAFRI - Capacity building and access to earth observation satellite data for monitoring forests in Central and Western Africa

International Partner(s): France,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Coordination Nationale REDD+, Ministère de l’Economie Forestière et de Développement Durable (MEFDD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-12 - dic-17

The specific objective of the project was to facilitate the adoption of earth observation techniques and ensure the methodological and technological know-how within central African countries, which will enable local institutions to carry out forest cover monitoring according to the international guidelines required to participate and benefit from the REDD+ mechanisms and funding. The main components of the project were: 1. Ensure the provision of earth observation satellite data and processing tools in a sustainable way, based on to the African countries' needs to implement national forest monitoring according to the REDD+ guidelines and requirements;2. Strengthen the local capacities of public/private institutions and civil society organisations, which have developed internal capacities in the use of earth observation satellite data and are willing to contribute to information production required in terms of forest monitoring;3. Support the production of forest cover and forest cover change maps in several central African countries in relation to their needs for the implementation of MRV systems in the framework of REDD+ mechanism, and in relation to the ongoing initiatives and programs in this domain;4. Support the definition of research programs in the field of earth observation and the strengthening of research institutions networks, and facilitate north-south and south-south partnerships;5. Contribute to the coordination of existing and emerging initiatives in the field of earth observation for REDD+ in central Africa, and facilitate the participation of these countries to the major international initiatives, such as GEO and GMES for Africa.


GFOI Regional Workshop on LiDAR in Central Africa

International Partner(s): SilvaCarbon
Country Implementing Partner(s): AGEOS, Environmental ministries, universities, research institutions, and NGOs in Central Africa
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation

Delivered a workshop to evaluate the utility of various Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data sets (terrestrial, unmanned aerial vehicle, airborne) for the estimation of tropical forest biomass in the Central African countries. Specifically, partners learned to:(a) collect and analyse terrestrial LiDAR data to generate forest biomass estimates in the tropics.(b) collect and analyse LiDAR data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle to generate forest biomass estimates; collect field plot data to correlate and calibrate the LiDAR collected from the terrestrial LiDAR, UAV LiDAR, and also airborne LiDAR that was collected previously as AfricaGEOSS efforts through the Agence Gabonaise d'Etudes et d'Observations Spaciales (AGEOS) in the region; and then evaluate differences in biomass estimates among the three different LiDAR technologies. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon programme. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)


GFOI-Related Research and Development

International Partner(s): GOFC GOLD and Wageningen University
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will continue its active engagement in the GFOI Research and Development component while exploring new opportunities to enhance synergies between GFOI and SilvaCarbon research initiatives. The SilvaCarbon Program will continue to support the participation of SilvaCarbon-funded researchers and Program staff in GFOI research and development workshops led by the Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) program. While all of the areas of focus have not been defined, to allow for flexibility, some potential areas for continued work are accuracy assessments / uncertainty and forest landscape restoration monitoring. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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GFOI-Related Space Data Efforts

International Partner(s): CEOS NASA and USGS Group
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: ongoing

SilvaCarbon will maintain its ongoing efforts to facilitate connections between developing countries and the GFOI SDCG with the objective of further linking the users of Earth observation data with planners. The Global Program will continue to sponsor representatives of developing countries to attend SDCG meetings to discuss their data acquisition plans for their NFMS (16 countries have been sponsored to date). It will also continue to support countries' acquisition of commercial data through combined proposals to data providers, such as a past proposal granted to CEOS, NASA, and Colombia to use the TanDEM X satellite in ten deforestation "hot spots." USGS, based on agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA), will archive, process and deliver Landsat data, by Sentinel 1 and 2 data as well. In addition, SilvaCarbon will continue funding the development of tools produced by CEOS, such as the CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) tool, which allows users to search satellite missions and generate reports of all available space data for forest monitoring. Finally, SilvaCarbon will support the provision of analysis-ready data to country partners who express need for this data. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
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International Partner(s): France,Germany
Country Implementing Partner(s): National coordination REDD+
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2013 - 2014

The purpose of GeoForAfri Congo project is to complete the coverage on the rest of the Congolese territory in 2010 (about 166 000 km²). So that the Congo may have a complete mapping of forest cover and its developments for 1990, 2000 and 2010 (thus forming the basis of a national forest monitoring system or NFMS). The achievement of 2010 mapping together with the European Space Agency's GSE Forest Monitoring (GSE–FM) REDD extension project will benefit from "economy of scale", thus minimizing production costs. On the other hand, the map products provided under GeoForAfri follow the exact technical specifications of the GSE–FM REDD project and, as such, benefit from the dissemination activities and training incurred in the Congo to promote their use.


Global Peatlands Initiative: Assessing, Measuring and Preserving Peat Carbon

International Partner(s): FAO,Greifswald Mire Centre,UN Environment
Country Implementing Partner(s): Minist�re de Tourisme et de l'Environnement
Geographic scope: Global
REDDcompass Theme: All - holistic support
Date: 2018 - 2021

data, built capacity, recommendations and best cases by increasing the long-term sustainability of peatland management while promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods in tropical areas.


Improved Methodologies for Measuring and Monitoring Degradation Using Statistical Analyses to Generate Degradation Data in the Central African Countries

International Partner(s): Boston University,Google Earth Engine,SilvaCarbon
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Measurement and Estimation
Date: 2019 - 2019

Boston University has developed a degradation algorithm that works within the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. A training workshop in the use of the GEE platform will first be delivered for several countries, then a regional workshop to test the degradation methodology and start mapping degradation as a Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) activity for reporting if necessary.


Institutional arrangements facilitation workshop for improvising transfer of technical information (COLLABORATION IN A GFOI PARTNER COUNTRY)

International Partner(s): GFOI Partners
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple

USGS will in collaboration with GFOI partners such as the FAO assist in the coordination of a workshop to bring together institutions that are working with reporting data to present and discuss options for facilitating the transfer of remote sensing data. The country will be in Africa and it will be chosen based on program priorities. (Note: This activity is listed in the FY18 work plan for the SilvaCarbon Program. Please communicate with the point of contact listed to find out the status and results of the activity.)
More information:


MRV system of FCPF ER Program

International Partner(s): FAO,University of Maryland,World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): REDD+ Coordination, CNIAF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: ott-19 - giu-21

-Support the proposal of carbon accounting methodology for the forest-Calculate uncertainty of forest reference emission level (FREL)-Propose a new calculation of FREL for the deforestation/degradation-Review and finalize the MRV system


Monitoring System

International Partner(s): World Bank FCPF
Country Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Sustainable Development, Forest Economy and Environment (MDDEFE)
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Reporting and Verification
Date: 2010 - 2013

Activities: a) Recruitment, b) Equipment, c) MRV Training, d) International TA, e) Additional studies, f) field, g) QA/QC


OSFACO - Observation Spatiale des Forets d'Afrique Centrale et de l'Ouest

International Partner(s): CNES,France,IGN,IGN FI,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Coordination Nationale REDD+, Ministère de l’Economie Forestière et de Développement Durable (MEFDD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: apr-16 - dic-19

The OSFACO project aims to improve the knowledge of past and current dynamics in terms of land use and land use change in 8 countries of Central and Western Africa, based on Earth observation data and tools. Building on the results and achievements of previous support projects (OSFT, GEOFORAFRI), OSFACO strengthen and expand local expertise and ownership of satellite imagery in the design, implementation and monitoring of public policies for sustainable land management . The main areas of intervention are : 1. Provision of recent high resolution SPOT6/7 satellite images, as well as SPOT archive images, on the participant countries, for all users involved in sustainable land use and sustainable forest management2. Support for local production of land use and land use change maps; technological transfer to update these data3 Capacity building and resources for spatial land monitoring and promoting the use of satellite imagery in the design and monitoring of public policies (training and pilot projects) Recipient countriesThe project benefits in 3 countries of Western Africa (Guinea, Ivory Coast and Benin) and 5 countries of Central Africa (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, DR Congo and Gabon)
More information:


OSFT - Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest

International Partner(s): CNES,France,IGN,IGN FI,Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD)
Country Implementing Partner(s): Coordination Nationale REDD+, Ministère de l’Economie Forestière et de Développement Durable (MEFDD)
Geographic scope: Regional
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: gen-11 - mar-16

The OSFT project (Spatial Observation of Tropical Forest) aims to make available SPOT images and REDD+ baseline data to forest actors in the Congo Basin. An exhaustive coverage of the Congo Basin forest countries has been achieved with recent SPOT satellite images.A dedicated 'REDDSPOT' user license has been designed to enable open access of all data available, for any REDD+ stakeholder. Beneficiary countries have signed a 'National Authority' license, allowing them to distribute data to the users (providing their request is first validated, i.e. data are intended to be used in the framework of sustainable forest management).REDD+ baselines have been produced over Central African Republic and Cameroon. They include historical and forest change maps (1990/2000/2010), and a more detailed reference map as at 2010, all fully compliant with IPCC and VCS standards. Several staff members of the REDD technical coordination team (MRV team) of each beneficiary country have participated in the production, control and validation of the forest maps.OSFT has responded to the growing demand for high resolution images required to build-up smart monitoring systems across the entire region. More than 100 beneficiary projects have been provided with high resolution SPOT images.


PREFOREST CONGO - Projet de reduction des emissions de CO2 issues des forets en Republique du Congo

International Partner(s): FAO,GCF
Geographic scope: National
REDDcompass Theme: Multiple
Date: 2021 - 2029

L'objectif de ce projet est d'apporter une assistance technique au Gouvernement Congolais pour la mise en oeuvre de la Contribution Déterminée au niveau National (CDN) dans le secteur de l'utilisation des terres et de la forêt, à travers les activités liées à (i) l'amenagement du territoire et la sécurité foncière, (ii) l'afforesterie, reboisement et agro-foresterie, (iii) la gestions durable et la conservation, (iv) l'agriculture, (v) la valorisation et la mise en marché, et (vi) la surveillance des émissions des gaz à effet de serre.

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Please feel free to contact the GFOI Office if you would like further information about specific activities or if you have updates and additional activities that you would like included in the Inventory