Connecting Southeast Asia with space agencies

26 July 2024

Integrating global AFOLU datasets into national carbon inventory systems

Under the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) umbrella, Cambodia's Ministry of Environment hosted a two-week workshop with the goal of integrating global agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) datasets into national carbon inventory and reporting systems.

The workshop brought together Southeast Asian government agencies and universities for discussions, training and even (muddy) hands-on training in the mangroves. It was a collaborative event organized by GFOI partners, such as the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), SilvaCarbon of the US Geological Survey, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Space Agency (ESA).

Hands-on learning in mangrove forests

Participants dove into the unique world of mangrove ecosystems. These ecologically significant and vulnerable forests offer both challenges and opportunities in data acquisition and analysis. Attendees were seen actively participating in data collection and analysis, highlighting the collaborative and practical nature of the event.

Cutting-edge technologies for emission factor estimation

In the second week, focus shifted to innovative methodologies for improving emission factor estimation with a spotlight on space-based LiDAR data. Participants explored new approaches to refine emission factor estimates, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of national inventory and reporting systems.

The final goal: Building regional capacity

Addressing regional capacity-building needs, the workshop empowered participants with the knowledge and tools necessary for effective carbon accounting and prepared them to contribute to national and global carbon reporting efforts. This workshop harnessed the power of collaboration, cutting-edge technology and hands-on learning to advance our understanding and management of these vital ecosystems.

Additionally, JAXA launched ALOS-4 during the opening biomass session, adding to the significance of the event. Satellite data has become more powerful and abundant than ever, and the mission of CEOS collaboration is to ensure that this valuable resource is accessible to end users for the future of our forests.