Global experts convene at USGS headquarters for SilvaCarbon workshop to tackle carbon markets and UNFCCC reporting
Reston, Virginia, USA – International environmental experts, government representatives and industry stakeholders gathered at the headquarters of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) for a workshop led by SilvaCarbon, partner of the Global Forest Observations Initiative, from 12 to 14 August 2024. The workshop, titled "Exchange on voluntary carbon markets and the interaction with national reporting," focused on bridging the gap between voluntary carbon markets and reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Workshop highlights
The three-day event was designed to address the growing complexities in carbon reporting, highlighting the need for improved transparency, accuracy and comparability in carbon data. The workshop aimed to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate both the voluntary carbon markets and the technical demands of UNFCCC reporting.
This event emphasized the importance of adopting internationally recognized reporting standards to ensure consistency and reliability in global carbon data. Moreover, the critical need for capacity building and technical support to help countries meet the increasing demands of carbon markets and UNFCCC reporting is evident.
Laying the groundwork
The workshop commenced with a warm welcome and introductions moderated by Crista Straub from the USGS. Edersson Cabrera of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies and SilvaCarbon’s Sylvia Wilson provided a framework for the event, setting the tone for an intensive series of discussions.
Key presentations included an overview of current GFOI guidance delivered by Carly Green, GFOI Content Manager, and insights into the World Bank Program Nesting Guidelines from Catalina Becerra Leal, Verra Representative. The day concluded with an in-depth comparison of data requirements, reporting frequency and verification processes for both the UNFCCC and voluntary carbon markets.
Country case studies
Moderated by GFOI Country-Led Planning Expert, Gabriela Nuñez, the second day began with participants delving into real-world challenges faced by countries such as Belize, Colombia, Peru and Paraguay in aligning with carbon market standards and UNFCCC reporting. These case studies led to breakout sessions moderated by Jacob Bukoski, where participants engaged in collaborative problem-solving, sharing best practices and identifying common obstacles.
Looking forward
The final day of the workshop, under the moderation of SilvaCarbon’s Craig Wayson and Sylvia Wilson, shifted focus towards actionable steps for future progress. Amy Daniels outlined available resources, while Jacob Bukoski proposed commentary on aligning carbon markets with UNFCCC reporting. The event concluded with a Q&A session, during which participants discussed strategies for ongoing collaboration.
As the world grapples with the climate crisis, events like this play a crucial role in shaping the policies and practices that will guide future carbon reporting. The collaborative efforts seen throughout this workshop mark a significant step towards more effective carbon management strategies.