Biomass Monitoring #GFOI2020 Series – Webinar #7

This is the video recording of the GFOI webinar "Biomass Monitoring", which took place on 3 November 2020, hosted by the GFOI’s R&D Coordination Component and partners the GOFC-GOLD Land Cover Office: This webinar presented an overview of recently refined guidance on the use of Earth Observations for biomass monitoring in the GFOI’s third version of the Methods and Guidance Documentation (MGD3.0), which aligns with the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. A panel of experts from GFOI partner organizations and countries highlighted the planned and existing space-based datasets that can be used for biomass mapping, the use of these maps for forest monitoring in-practice, and the latest R&D developments on this topic. The webinar also provided an opportunity for discussions between the audience and the panel. This webinar is part of the #GFOI2020 webinar series: