FAO in Ghana
Addressing Zoonotic Pathogens and Promoting One Health and Biosecurity Through FAO's Progressive Management Pathway Initiative...
FAO facilitates the Validation Workshop for Surveillance Plans on Priority Zoonotic Diseases. The Food and Agriculture...
This project is designed to enhance early warning systems, bolster agrifood system resilience, and strengthen...
Accra.- A broad coalition of agriculture experts in West and southern Africa met in Accra, Ghana to build linkages that will enhance safe and sustainable food security at a national, regional and global level. The workshop, convened by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC www.ippc.int) Secretariat, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO...
Ghana and FAO have launched a Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) on cassava to enhance food security and incomes in selected cassava growing areas in Ghana. The growing interest in the cultivation of the crop in recent times can be ascribed to the increasing realization by government and other stakeholders of its...
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