Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

Follow the hybrid event live from Tokyo!

International Symposium on GIAHS and Family Farming 2022

©Promotion Association for the Kyoutou Area
©Promotion Association for the Kyoutou Area

This year´s International Symposium will be organized in a hybrid style to focus on concrete activities implemented by family famers in GIAHS sites, related to the promotion and marketing of their agricultural products through various methods and approaches (e.g., labelling or certification systems, exploration of new supply chain, new demand, niche market, etc.).

Experts and representatives of GIAHS will discuss their impacts as well as the issues and challenges faced by small-scale and family farmers to initiate and achieve successful outcomes of market promotion activities.

In the dynamic conservation activities, it is quite important to improve economic conditions of farmers and activate rural communities to implement good site management. There are several GIAHS sites which have been actively implementing labelling or certification systems to convey the values embedded in their GIAHS sites to consumers and to add value to their products. Some other GIAHS sites have been working to explore new supply chains or new demand or niche market.

The Symposium will invite experts and representatives from the GIAHS sites in Japan as well as from other countries to share their experiences of market promotion activities and seek the key factors and conditions for success.

Detailed information:

Dates and Meeting Room Arrangements

Dates: November 28-30, 2022

Time: 9:30 - 17:30 (UTC + 9)

Modality: Hybrid Style

Venue: Odaiba Hilton Hotel, 3F Sunrise Terrace; Tokyo, Japan

The meeting is open to all people interested in GIAHS through online registration


  • Presenters
  • Experts and representatives from GIAHS sites
  • Experts on marketing/ labeling of agricultural products
  • FAO・GIAHS Secretariat  


  • GIAHS sites stakeholders  
  • GIAHS experts
  • Agricultural community and farmers
  • Stakeholders and institutions involved in the UN Decade of Family Farming
  • Government officers and policy makers
  • Researchers
  • NGO
  • Officers of FAO and other UN agencies


1) Share experiences on market promotion activities such as labelling, certification, branding, development of new supply chains, new demand and niche markets, and their impact on the livelihoods of small-scale family farmers in GIAHS sites;

2) Analyzing key factors and conditions to develop and operate market promotion activities for small scale family farmers.

Language: English, Spanish, French and Japanese