Системы сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС)

Estahban Rainfed Fig Orchards Heritage System, Fars Province, Islamic Republic of Iran

GIAHS since 2023
©Hassan Alimohammadi


Detailed Information



Fars province is the most important region for rainfed figs in Iran, where more than 75% of cultivars are located in Iran. More than 50 percent of the levels of Fars P a g e | 4 province fig gardens, which contain 17 percent of the world's cultivar, are located in Estahban. Estahban county with more than 2,600,000 fig trees in the 25950Hectares is the first and most important region of in Iran and world in terms of rainfed figs production. Annual rainfed fig production in this region is about 18616.86 tons, the highest figure in the world.

Most of the rainfed fig gardens of Estahban are in steep slopes and highlands, which have been preserved by gardeners as legacies of their ancestors over 250 years ago as a precious treasure. Gardeners in the region have valuable experiences in planting, harvesting, and maintaining the rainfed figs. Gardeners are still building and maintaining gardens in traditional ways. Irrigation of fig trees ("Jox" and "O’giri" in local language) is a unique way of managing water and soil for fig cultivating. This method makes it easy for the rain to flow into the garden during rain. Shape and structure of the rainwater collection systems in fig gardensis designed in a way that rainwater can flow to the tree root. Also, the unique system of figroot minimizes the likelihood of erosion and flooding in rainfed figs. Fig roots have horizontal growth in the surface layers of the soil.

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