نظم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية

Chinampas Agricultural System in Mexico City

GIAHS since 2017

The chinampas agricultural system is an articulated set of floating artificial islands built in a traditional way based on oral transmission chinampera prevailing culture since Aztecs times.

They offer high agricultural productivity (grown up to 5 times a year) and great ecological importance, surrounded by canals and ditches and rows of "ahuejotes" (Salix Bonplandiana) native willow species that performs several functions, such as  serving as fencesfor wind and insects, providing habitat for birds, and keeping the soil in the plots, whose roots protect the borders or edges of chinampa from erosion.

Faced with climatic contingencies such as frost or variation in rainfall, chinampera agriculture offers an example in which agroecological intensification  can co-exist with urban development and the revitalization of the heritage by linking social networks, which develop technological strategies and promote solidarity and a sense of community.

Twinning program partner: Xinghua Duotian Agrosystem, China


New agricultural heritage sites; farming in harmony with nature

Farmland has also been artificially developed in the Chinampas area of Mexico City. It was created according to traditional techniques widely used during the Aztec civilization and which have been passed down orally through generations of farmers.

Chinampas of Mexico City were recognized as an Agricultural Heritage System of Global Importance

The Chinampero agricultural system of Mexico City is one of the thirteen new landscape environments celebrated today as Important Global Agricultural Heritage Systems (SIPAM) by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Agriculture, FAO.

Flickr Album

Mexico- Chinampa system in Mexico