Системы сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС)

FAO officially recognized the Traditional Agricultural System of Koraput as a Globally Important Agricultural System (GIAHS)

Bhubaneswar, India, 3 January 2012

The official announcement was made by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during the inauguration of the Indian Science Congress in Bhubaneswar on Tuesday. This is an extremely important recognition for India’s Tribal Agriculture, which will also contribute to the fight against the serious environmental threats India is facing.

The Traditional Agricultural System of Koraput is the first agricultural system in India to be officially recognized for its outstanding contribution towards promoting food security, biodiversity, indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity for sustainable and equitable development.

"The recognition of the Koraput Traditional Agricultural System as a GIAHS site will guarantee local and international efforts for the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its genetic resources, and the recognition of tribal peoples’ contribution to biodiversity and knowledge systems, whilst increasing attention to their natural and cultural heritage."

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