Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial (SIPAM)

New agricultural heritage systems in China receive GIAHS recognition

Beijing, China, 27 August 2012

FAO will recognize China's Aohan Dryland Farming System and Pu'er Tea Agroecosystem, located in Inner Mongolia and Yunnan Province, respectively, as new GIAHS sites.

The governors of the two new GIAHS sites will receive the awards from Mr Alexander Mueller, Assistant Director general at FAO's Natural Resources Department, along with representative from the Ministry of Agriculture in China, Academician Prof Li Wenhua,  as part of a national awarding ceremony to be held in Beijing, China, on 5 September 2012.

Recognizing the new agriculture heritage systems as GIAHS is of great significance to promoting food security, biodiversity conservation, indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity for sustainable and equitable development. The Aohan Dryland farming system (see photo, right) is the interface between China's ancient farming and grassland management, while the Pu'er Tea Agroecosystem (see photo, left) is the world's largest area of tea forest plantations established by village ancestors thousands of years ago. The Ancient tea forest has a long history of culture and people protecting nature and forest. 

"The recognition of these systems is just the beginning of a longer process", affirmed Mr Parviz Koohafkan, Director of the Land and Water Division at FAO and Global GIAHS Coordinator. "An appropriate institutional mechanism supporting the preparation and implementation of GIAHS dynamic conservation is crucially important and actions should start from now onwards”.