Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM)

GIAHS side event at the Committee on World Food Security: Ensuring Food Security And Nutrition In A Changing Climate

Rome, Italy, 15 October 2012

On 17 October 2012, the GIAHS Secretariat will host a side event during the 39th session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), starting on 15 October 2012 until 20 October 2012.

GIAHS are repositories of intergenerational wisdom, created by farmers’ innovation to deal with change and to ensure livelihoods and food sovereignty. They are the best examples of sustainable farming systems for many small farmers, peasants and indigenous communities, providing diversified and nutritious food, conserving biodiversity and ensuring ecosystem services while maintaining social protection for the most poor.

The Side Event will feature dynamics and ingenious nature of GIAHS in ensuring food security and nutrition in a changing climate.

Panelists will discuss issues confronting  small farmers and will look at concrete steps to empower them.

  • What is the contribution of small scale farmers to food security and nutrition?
  • What, in your opinion, are the major challenges and problems in helping small scale farmers as regards sustaining their food security and livelihoods?
  • How can we help family farming and small scale farmers to become competitive and reward them for their ecosystem services?