Системы сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС)

Satoyama-Satoumi Meister Training Program – Revitalizing Noto Peninsula

Kanazawa, Japan, 17 April 2013

GIAHS Noto peninsula is on the brink of unprecedented challenges posed by decreasing and ageing population. “Experiencing these tough challenges has encouraged us to develop activities for a holistic approach to help reactivate and build a stronger Noto Satoyama and Satoumi” says Prof Koji Nakamura, the deputy president of Kanazawa University and the mentor of the Meister Training program. “The recognition of Noto’s Satoyama and Satoumi and Sado’s Satoyama as the first sites of Globally important Agricultural Heritage Systems in Japan had complemented our efforts to promote the long term conservation of ecologically-friendly, valuable farming systems and agricultural practices that are neglected and dying”, added Prof Nakamura. The Satoyama-Satoumi Meister Program was implemented, aimed to educate those who are willing to revitalize Noto region in the field of Satoyama-Satoumi related businesses. The students, varying in ages from their early 30s to mid-40s, coming from the cities, enrolled in practical courses and seminars during weekends. After completing the two-year practical program, the graduates are expected to continue to live in Noto region and to engage in new businesses linked to local economies, such as environmentally-concerned agriculture or fisheries, processing and marketing business, and eco-tourism. Meister students, undergo practical training on “wise and sustainable use of Satoyama-Satoumi resources” and any practices should be in harmony with ecological and environmental conditions in each locality.

The sukaqollos or trenches are filled with water, which is warmed by sunlight. When temperatures drop at night, the water gives off warm steam that serves as frost protection for tubers as well as preventing pestilence.  

To revitalize and raise awareness among local communities on the value and function of these traditional Andean systems, the  GIAHS Initiative, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Peru, have worked with the Caritamaya community in Acora province  to rehabilitate sukaqollos, helping 410 family farmers.  

Click here to download the report of the seminar