Системы сельскохозяйственного наследия мирового значения (ГИАХС)

China’s annual workshop on GIAHS held

Fuzhou, China, 15 April 2015

The Center of International Cooperation Service (CICOS) of MOA hosted the 2nd China Workshop on Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Fuzhou of Fujian Province on March 31st, 2015. Delegates to the workshop included representatives of Department of International Cooperation and other relevant institutions of MOA, official and authorities from the 11 designated GIAHS sites in China, GIAHS Expert Committee, and news media. Mr. Luo Ming, Division Chief of Department of International Cooperation (DIC) of MOA led the delegates and participants in reviewing the achievements and in designing strategies, plans and priority programmes for 2015.

“In the context of the new norms of economic development and new challenges of agricultural and rural development, we need to transform the development mode of agriculture, attach great importance to sustainable intensive development and turn to modern agricultural development road which highlight product safety, resource conservation and environmental friendly principle.” This is the message from the No. 1 Central Document – a strategic plan made by the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council which brings new opportunities for GIAHS conservation and development in China. Inspired and guided by this new agricultural development guidelines and policies, the officials and delegates concluded the workshop with concrete recommendations: (i) to further improve the work on agricultural heritage as a new road for modern agricultural development, and (ii) ensure Chinese Agricultural Heritage Sites should be well conserved, government should improve the top-level design, provide proper guidance, motivate multi-stakeholders for wider participation, make effective use of the heritage sites and bring real benefits to farmers.