Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial (SIPAM)
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
The third Regional Dialogue on GIAHS for Europe and Central Asia is a forum for GIAHS actors from across the region. Scientists and experts will provide scientific evidence gleaned from the work carried out in these agricultural systems, share keys to the resilience that characterizes these systems, and discuss the current threats that put their sustainability at risk.
De l'Amazonie équatorienne à la production de lait de foin en Autriche, de l’oasis historique de Gafsa en Tunisie à un système périurbain à Tokyo, Japon. Avec des contributions de Kotaro Ezawa, opérateur de la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire, sur le soutien aux pratiques agricoles durables à travers Mamano Chocolate  Avec des présentations de SIPAM du Japon, de l'Autriche, de l'Équateur et de la Tunisie Rome, Italie – Des experts et des représentants...
Rome, 06 May – Representatives from Nianjing Agricultural University, a leading institution in agricultural sciences and heritage since 1955 in China, joined the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to explore innovative collaborative opportunities.   The delegation, led by Weichun Dong from Nanjing Agricultural University, alongside Yoshihide Endo, the coordinator of the GIAHS Secretariat, engaged in in-depth discussions on enhancing...
Photo courtesy of The Agricultural System Ancient Olive Trees Territorio Sénia
Rome — The millennial olive tree in Cervera del Maestre, part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in the Sénia Territory, has been awarded the Best Monumental Olive Tree of Spain 2024 by the Spanish Association of Olive Municipalities. This award reinforces the historical and cultural value of the olive trees in this area, which is globally recognized for its dense concentration of millennial olive trees. Recovered in...
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