GIAHS - 全球重要农业文化遗产
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
The third Regional Dialogue on GIAHS for Europe and Central Asia is a forum for GIAHS actors from across the region. Scientists and experts will provide scientific evidence gleaned from the work carried out in these agricultural systems, share keys to the resilience that characterizes these systems, and discuss the current threats that put their sustainability at risk.
From the Ecuadorian Amazon to Austrian hay milk production, from the historic oases of Gafsa in Tunisia to a peri-urban agro-ecological system in Tokyo, Japan. Featuring insights from Kotaro Ezawa, a food supply chain operator, on supporting sustainable agricultural practices through Mamano Chocolate  ge With presenters from GIAHS systems from Japan, Austria, Ecuador and Tunisia     Rome, Italy – Experts and representatives from four continents convened to explore sustainable practices in their traditional agricultural...
Photo courtesy of The Agricultural System Ancient Olive Trees Territorio Sénia
Rome — The millennial olive tree in Cervera del Maestre, part of the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in the Sénia Territory, has been awarded the Best Monumental Olive Tree of Spain 2024 by the Spanish Association of Olive Municipalities. This award reinforces the historical and cultural value of the olive trees in this area, which is globally recognized for its dense concentration of millennial olive trees. Recovered in...
罗马,4月29日-南京农业大学的代表访问联合国粮食及农业组织全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)秘书处,探索创新合作机会。自1955年以来,南京农业大学一直是中国农业科学和遗产领域的领先机构。  南京农业大学副校长董维春率团,和GIAHS秘书处协调员远藤芳英会谈,就加强学术界在支持全球重要农业文化遗产监测和科学方法方面,进行了深入探讨。  南京农业大学一直是农业科学的领军者,是中国唯一一所拥有农业史博士后流动站,并系统提供博士、硕士、学士学位的大学。  在过去二十年里,GIAHS在应对全球挑战和促进2030年可持续发展目标方面发挥了重要作用,支持了全球的粮食安全、生物多样性和乡村发展。  会议强调了利用学术资源加强GIAHS科学框架的潜在好处,粮农组织与学术界的伙伴关系还可以帮助传播成功实践,链接更多的利益相关者,如乡村社区、民间社会、地方政府、媒体和教育机构,扩大GIAHS网络。  会议承诺分享成功经验并扩大全球GIAHS网络,包括农村社区、民间社会、地方政府、媒体和学术界。多种教育机构已经开设了GIAHS相关课程,很多遗产地已将传统知识纳入初等教育课程,GIAHS其作为农村发展重要工具的日益增长的影响力。  这一合作是利用当地资源和知识促进可持续农业实践的重要一步,这对全球农业未来至关重要。  粮农组织已在亚太区域的8个国家认定了57个GIAHS遗产地,其中中国拥有的数量最多,共有22个遗产地。这一重要代表性突出了中国在保护和促进农业遗产方面的关键作用。 
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