Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)

Successful conclusion of the GIAHS Workshop for Europe and Central Asia

01 June 2017

The GIAHS Workshop for Europe and Central Asia successfully met the expectations of participants.

Presentations and discussions during the first day of meeting at FAO headquarters provided insights for the future development of GIAHS. New partnerships and enhanced collaboration with new European countries were announced, as well as the intention of European and Central Asian countries to submit their proposals for the recognition of GIAHS sites in the near future.

The inclusion of a field visit to one of the four recognized Italian Historical Rural Landscapes, together with the warm hospitality of the rural community visited, contributed to the accomplishment of a fruitful inclusion of the European and Central Asian Region in the GIAHS Family. Country delegates from governments, permanent representations, international scientists, researchers, university professors, professional associations and NGOs coming from 36 countries - including observer countries from other regions - were delighted by the amazing landscape of Vallecorsa, which also inspired many of them to select potential sites in their respective countries.

 Please click here to see the final agenda of the event

 Please click here to see the program of the visit

 Pictures of the Workshop and Field Visit