نظم التراث الزراعي ذات الأهمية العالمية

Nanjing Agricultural University and GIAHS Secretariat explore potential collaborations

06 May 2024

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Rome, 06 May – Representatives from Nianjing Agricultural University, a leading institution in agricultural sciences and heritage since 1955 in China, joined the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to explore innovative collaborative opportunities.  

The delegation, led by Weichun Dong from Nanjing Agricultural University, alongside Yoshihide Endo, the coordinator of the GIAHS Secretariat, engaged in in-depth discussions on enhancing the role of academia in supporting the monitoring and scientific approaches for the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems worldwide. 

Nianjing Agricultural University has been a leader in agricultural sciences and is the only institution in China that offers an agricultural history doctoral program and post-doctoral mobile station as well as bachelor's and master's degree. 

Over the past two decades, GIAHS has been instrumental in addressing global challenges and contributing to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This method has supported food security, biodiversity, and rural development globally for the past two decades. 

The discussions underscored the potential benefits of leveraging academic resources to enhance GIAHS’ scientific frameworks. This partnership could also help in disseminating successful practices and expanding the GIAHS network to include more stakeholders such as rural communities, civil society, local governments, media, and educational institutions. 

The meeting concluded with a commitment to sharing successful experiences and expanding the global GIAHS network, which includes rural communities, civil society, local governments, media, and academia. Courses on GIAHS have already been established in various educational institutions, and many GIAHS sites have integrated traditional agricultural knowledge into primary education curricula, showcasing its growing influence as a vital tool for rural development. 

This collaboration will mark a significant step towards utilizing local resources and knowledge to foster sustainable agricultural practices crucial for global agriculture's future. 

In the Asia Pacific region, 57 agricultural heritage systems have been designated across eight countries and one territory, with China hosting the largest number, totaling 22. This significant representation underscores China’s pivotal role in the conservation and promotion of agricultural heritage. 

FAO’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme helps identify ways to mitigate threats faced by farmers and enhance the benefits derived from these systems.

Vital to achieving food and livelihood security, 86 sites in 26 countries have now been officially designated as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), dynamic spaces where culture, biodiversity and sustainable agricultural techniques coexist.

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