Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM)

Establishment of a GIAHS National Commission for Algeria

03 July 2017

In 2011 the first Algerian GIAHS site, the Ghout oasis system, was designated in Oued Souf region. After several years of experience on management of this GIAHS site, Algeria has reconfirmed its high interest in the GIAHS programme and FAO GIAHS National meeting was held by FAO Algeria from the 3rd to 4th of July 2017 in Algiers.

Several ministries (Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries; Ministry of Country Planning, Tourism and Handicraft; Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and relevant stakeholders such as research centres and various local associations in Algeria attended the meeting to establish the Algerian GIAHS National Commission.

On the first day, the meeting had a whole day presentation session to introduce the GIAHS concepts to all the participants and share the past experience of management and dynamic conservation of the oasis GIAHS sites in Maghreb region. During the second day, the participants agreed on the establishment of the GIAHS National Commission of multi-sectoral composition including several relevant ministries as well as national professional organisation and the civil society. In addition, the terms of reference and a preliminary action plan have been prepared and validated for the coming 2017-2019 years.

The main objective of this Commission will be to develop and coordinate policy, strategy and national activities of the GIAHS and to improve the relevance and impact of the programme in the country. It includes the identification of new GIAHS sites, promotion and implementation of effective measures for dynamic conservation.

The official launching meeting of the Commission is to be organized in October in Oued Souf Region.