Sistemas Importantes del Patrimonio Agrícola Mundial (SIPAM)

Fechas: 25 y 26 de abril de 2024

Estructura del seminario: El seminario virtual invitará a 4 SIPAM donde se implementan prácticas agrícolas que promueven una agricultura y cadenas de valorsostenibles, basadas en conocimientos y prácticas ancestrales que respetan al medio ambiente y que se han transmitido entre generaciones, con el fin de que presenten dichas experiencias e intercambien información.

Lee el artículo y descubre más sobre las presentaciones de los sitios SIPAM y las discusiones del webinar: 

Date: 13 - 15 December 2023 
Find out more on the webpage.

The webinar was focus on:

  • Identify and analyze effective approaches and measures which can assure a balance between agricultural production and agrobiodiversity conservation, highlighting the collaboration among all local stakeholders, and with the support of diverse activities and their synergetic effects; and
  • Discuss the conditions, challenges and key factors for achieving the successful conservation of agrobiodiversity in GIAHS sites.

Webinar: Maximizing the role of Agritourism and Rural Tourism in FAO Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

Date: 29 March 2023
Time: 1030 - 1230 (CET)

The webinar will highlighted:

On 27 October 2022, the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme celebrated its 20th anniversary. The all-day event was held virtually and attended by Ministers, Ambassadors, Senior Representatives, Scientific Advisory Board members, GIAHS technical experts and the general public. Attendees had the chance to learn more about the prominent features of traditional agricultural systems and the importance to safeguard them. During the celebrations high-level speakers and technical experts acknowledge the achievements of the GIAHS Programme within the last 20 years. 

This year´s International Symposium was organized in a hybrid style to focus on more concrete activities of family famers in GIAHS sites to promote marketing of their agricultural products from GIAHS sites through various methods and approaches.


When: 13 - 15 December 2023 (9.30 - 17.00 CET)

Read the article and find out more details about the webinar: 

La FAO se complace en anunciar el seminario web “Los secretos del tomate: explorando las raíces culturales, los beneficios para la salud y el potencial económico de esa pequeña y maravillosa fruta llamada tomate”, el 2 de febrero de 2022 como parte de la iniciativa “Principios de la Dieta Mediterránea para la Agenda 2030”. EL seminario será coorganizado con la Misión Permanente de Italia ante la FAO. Esta serie de sesiones temáticas pretende concienciar sobre cómo la Dieta Mediterránea y las dietas tradicionales contribuyen a la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. 

La Conferencia internacional sobre SIPAM 2021 se llevará a cabo en la región de Noto en la prefectura de Ishikawa, en Japón. El objetivo de la reunión será el de compartir experiencias y desafíos de los sistemas de patrimonio agrícola de todo el mundo con motivo de la conmemoración del décimo aniversario del sitio de Noto Satoyama y Satoumi. , designado como el primer sistema de patrimonio agrícola de importancia mundial en el país.

Read more:

The approach of the Alliance for the Mediterranean Diet has potential common goals with those of the FAO- Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Programme in achieving sustainable agriculture and food systems which reduce the impact on the environment, conserve biodiversity, landscapes, cultures and traditional knowledge.

The approach of the Alliance for the Mediterranean Diet has potential common goals with those of the FAO- Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems Programme in achieving sustainable agriculture and food systems which reduce the impact on the environment, conserve biodiversity, landscapes, cultures and traditional knowledge.

Los representantes de los SIPAM de China, España, Japón, Marruecos, Perú y Tanzania compartieron sus experiencias y desafíos sobre el uso sostenible de los recursos naturales, así como los tipos y funciones de sus servicios ecosistémicos. También exploraron cómo los SIPAM pueden contribuir a los objetivos del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para la Restauración de los Ecosistemas.

This webinar jointly organized by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability Operating Unit Ishikawa Kanazawa (UNU-IAS OUIK) and the Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (FAO) shared the challenges faced by GIAHS communities in managing the impacts of COVID-19, as well as a discussion on the resiliency of GIAHS in such a crisis and the opportunities for recovery and building back better from COVID-19.

This first webinar will be an opportunity for FAO to provideinsights on Nature-Based Solutions in Agriculture with real and time- tested examples coming from Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). The objective of the webinar is to also open a debate on the potentialities of Nature-Based Solutions that can support the agri-food systems of the countries.