Systèmes Ingénieux du Patrimoine Agricole Mondial (SIPAM)
Agenda Online - GIAHS Symposium

Workshop Agenda: Traditional knowledge and innovation in Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems

Lebanon Room in FAO headquarters in Rome (D209 bis)

Day 1: September 9, 2024 (Monday)

9:30 - 9:35 Opening Remarks: Yuriko Fukauchi International Strategy Division, Export and International Affairs Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan
9:35 - 10:00 Briefing on the workshop Yoshihide Endo GIAHS Coordinator
SESSION I:Presentation
10:00–10:20 The role of traditional knowledge in the promotion of local products through GIs. Florence Tartanac Senior Officer, FAO Nutrition Division
10:20–10:40 Integrating traditional and scientific knowledge in agroecological systems Pierre Ferrand Agriculture Officer, FAO Plant Protection and Production Division
10:40 -11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:20 The role of traditional knowledge in the preservation and promotion of fragile ecosystems Giorgio Grussu. Mountain Partnership
11:20-11:40 Traditional knowledge and Indigenous Peoples' food systems, including GIAHS Yon Fernandez Larrinoa Senior Advocacy Officer, FAO Indigenous Peoples Unit
11:40-12:00 FAO's work on integration of innovation and traditional knowledge Zofia Krystyna Mroczek Agricultural extension and advisory services specialist, OIN
12:00-12:30 Q&A SESSION
12:30 -14:00 Group Photo + Lunch break
14:00-14:25 Traditional knowledge and the dynamic conservation of biodiversity by flower-gathering communities in the Espinhaço Range, Brazil Dr Fernanda Monteiro Researcher, Geography Department, São Paulo University GIAHS Traditional Agricultural System in the Southern Espinhaço Range, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
14:25-14:30 Q&A
14:30-14:55 Coping with extreme weather events while ensuring food security: the contribution of traditional agricultural practices in Bangladesh Dr Md. Alimur Rahman Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute GIAHS Floating Garden Agricultural Practices (Bangladesh)
14:55-15:00 Q&A
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-15:55 Transmission of traditional knowledge and conservation of the agricultural heritage in a remote mountainous area Prof. Naoki Naito Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University Nishi-Awa Steep Slope Land Agriculture System & Managing Aso Grasslands for Sustainable Agriculture (Japan)
15:55-16:00 Q&A
16:00-16:30 Summary of the Day and final considerations

Day 2: September 10, 2024 (Tuesday)

9:30-12:30 (CET) SESSION I
9:30-9:45 Traditional knowledge and innovative practices as a dynamic conservation strategy Mr Giovanni Bachetoni Olive Groves of the Slopes between Assisi and Spoleto (Italy)
9:45-9:50 Q&A
9:50-10:15 The Argan-based Agro-SYLVO-pastoral System of Ait Souab-Ait Mansour in Morocco: A GIAHS Site Embracing Traditional Knowledge and Modern Innovation for More Resilience Ms Bouchra Ouardirhi Agronomist, Department of Agronomic and Environmental Projects (ANDZOA) GIAHS Argan-based agro-sylvo-pastoral system within the area of Ait Souab - Ait Mansour (Morocco)
10:15-10:20 Q&A
10:20-10:45 Managing the conservation of a fragile agricultural heritage: the role of traditional knowledge and agricultural practices Mr Clyde B. Pumihic Ifugao University GIAHS Ifugao Rice Terraces (Philippines)
10:45-10:50 Q&A
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-11:45 Increasing resilience through traditional practices: climate change adaptation and resilience in a millenary agricultural system Professor José-Damian Ruiz-Sinoga Malaga University GIAHS Malaga Raisin Production System in La Axarquía (Spain)
11:45-11:50 Q&A
11:50-12:30 Takeaways from Session I, final comments, and overview of Session II Moderator, GIAHS Team
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:30 (CET) SESSION II: Panel Discussion
14:00-14:30 Icebreaker questions to get the round table started Yoshihide Endo GIAHS Coordinator, FAO
14:30 - 15:00 Panel Discussion on which supports are necessary to family farmers for their effective use of traditional knowledge and practices Round table and Exchange of experiences on traditional Knowledge and innovative/modern technologies
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 18:00 Panel Discussion on how to fortify the traditional knowledge and practices by integrating innovative practices and modern technologies Round table and Exchange of experiences on traditional Knowledge and innovative/modern technologies