Bangladesh further reduces import duty on rice


The Government announced it will reduce further import duties on rice to 2 percent from the previous 10 percent, which was set in June, down from 25 percent (FPMA Food Policies). The measure aims to curb prices of rice, which in July were 40 percent higher than a year earlier, despite some declines, after flood-damage in early April and May to the 2017 main boro paddy crop, accounting for some 55 percent of the annual output. Lower imports after the imposition of higher duties on rice in June last year and the 2016 already-reduced output provided further support (FPMA Price Warning). Also in response to the high prices, the Government recently increased imports, which are currently forecast to reach 1 million tonnes in calendar year 2017, considerably up from the 2016 volume of 62 000 tonnes.

Country: Bangladesh