Kazakhstan announces procurement prices for 2017 grains


The Food Contract Corporation, the national body managing the state grain reserves, announced the procurement prices for the 2017 grains. Purchasing prices for wheat fall under selected ranges according to quality. The price for wheat 3rd grade ranges from 42 000 KZT (USD 124) to 54,000 KZT (USD160) per tonne, against KZT 41 000 (USD 121) to KZT 50 000 (USD 148) in 2016. Prices for wheat 4th grade vary from 37 000 (USD 109) to 39 000 KZT (USD 115) per tonne, while in 2016 it was purchased at KZT 34 000 (USD 100) to KZT 36 000 (USD 106) per tonne. The procurement price for barley was set at 40 000 KZT (USD 118) per tonne for volumes up to 1 000 tonnes and 41 000 KZT (USD 121) per tonne for volumes over 1 000 tonnes, after remaining unchanged in the past two years at KZT 25 000 (USD 74) per tonne. All prices are inclusive of VAT.

Country: Kazakhstan