Viet Nam lifts rice export restrictions


On 28 April 2020, the Government ordered the lifting of rice export restrictions and the full resumption of exports from 1 May 2020. Signing of new rice export contracts was suspended on 25 March 2020 pending assurance of domestic supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic (FPMA Food Policies). On 10 April 2020, however, the ban on rice exports was replaced by monthly export quotas, which were set at 400 000 tonnes for the April-May period. The quota for April was then increased by 100 000 tonnes on 22 April before the announcement of the full resumption of exports a week later. The Government stated that the country can export up to 6.7 million tonnes of rice this year, however, the relevant bodies will continue to closely monitor the rice supply/demand situation in the country to ensure prompt action, if needed. Also in India, traders’ signing of new export contracts resumed in mid-April after a nearly three-week halt amid labour shortages and logistics disruptions due to the pandemic-related containment measures. On 28 April 2020, the Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) announced the resumption of shipments in May, after a suspension in the issuance of rice export permits since early April and an export quota of 150 000 tonnes was set for the month of May.

Region: Far East Asia