Belarus extends grain export ban and introduces temporary ban on exports of rice, rye and barley flour and groats, processed cereals and pasta


On 11 March 2022, the Government of the Republic of Belarus adopted resolution 125, providing for a six-month extension of the previously introduced temporary ban on the export of wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, maize, buckwheat, millet, triticale and other cereals, as well as rapeseed and sunflower seeds. The ban had been initially introduced on 26 August 2021, for six months (FPMA Policy).

In addition, on 28 March 2022, the government adopted resolution 187, introducing a three-month ban on exports of rice, rye and barley flour and groats, processed cereals and pasta. The measure was taken in order to ensure adequate availabilities of these products on the domestic market and is valid from 31 March 2022. The export ban does not apply to international humanitarian assistance; international transshipments that start and end outside the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU); and goods placed under customs procedures in a member state of the EAEU and transported in transit through the Republic of Belarus.

Country: Belarus