Kazakhstan sets procurement prices for wheat for 2014


The Food Contract Corporation, the national body managing the state grain reserves, set up the new procurement prices for 3rd grade bread wheat for 2014. Wheat will be purchased at KZT 33 950 (USD 187) per tonne (for 23/24 percent gluten level wheat) and KZT 34 920 (USD 192) per tonne (for the gluten level above 25 percent) from small and medium farmers non liable to Value Added Tax (VAT), while larger businesses liable to VAT will receive KZT 35 000 (USD 192) per tonne and KZT 36 000 (USD 200), respectively. In 2013, the procurement price amounted at KZT 28 000 (USD 154) per tonne for VAT payers and KZT 25 000 (USD 138) per tonne for those not liable to VAT. The procurement target for 2014 is set at 1 million tonnes.