Russia to extend food import ban from Western countries for an additional 6 months


In August 2014, Russia banned food imports (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy) worth USD 9 billion from the United States, European Union (EU), Australia, Canada and Norway. The import ban was placed until August 2015 and came in the wake of other import restrictions imposed by Russia on agricultural products. Russia which is a net exporter of cereals and is able to fully satisfy the domestic demand for most grains except rice, placed the measure in retaliation to western sanctions on Russia over the Ukraine crisis. The EU extended its sanctions against Russia until the end of January 2016 to continue the pressure on resolving the Ukraine crisis. In response, Russia now plans on extending its ban on western food imports from currently early August 2015 to end of January 2016. The extension will continue under the same terms and maintaining the same list of food items.

Country: Russian Federation