Fuel price increases in Southern Africa


In several countries of the subregion, fuel prices have increased in the past few months, mainly reflecting the depreciation of national currencies and fiscal measures aimed at easing the burden of subsidies on public finances. In Malawi, the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) increased fuel prices in early November, with petrol prices up by nearly 4.6 percent and diesel prices up by 6.4 percent. This follows a previous 6 percent hike in June. In Zambia, the state's Energy Regulation Board increased retail petrol prices by 39 percent in mid-October and the price of diesel was adjusted upwards by 33 percent. In Mozambique, the Government increased petrol prices by 5.3 percent and diesel by 24.5 percent on 1 October, the first rise in the past five years. In Angola, fuel subsidies were significantly reduced earlier in the year while in South Africa, the budget for fiscal year 2016/17 (April-March) includes a mix of tax increases, especially on fuel levies. In Namibia, fuel taxes were increased to double their level, effective from 7 September. The increases in fuel prices are expected to add upward pressure to food prices.

Region: Southern Africa