Food Policy and Market Developments

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On 29 May 2024, the Government of Egypt announced a decision to increase the price of subsidized bread by four-fold. Under this measure, the price of bread, which had been [...]
On 14 March 2024, the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador extended the application of zero tariffs on imports of selected basic food items and agricultural inputs through 31 March 2026. [...]
On 4 January 2024, the Government of Sri Lanka imposed a Special Commodity Levy (SCL) in respect of  potatoes (HS code 0701.90) at the rate of LKR 50/kg (USD 0.15) [...]
On 1 January 2024, the Government of Sri Lanka reduced the Special Commodity Levy (SCL) on rice imports for rice varieties under HS 1006.30.29. from LKR 65/kg (USD 0.2) to [...]
To help address macroeconomic challenges, the Reserve Bank of Malawi devalued the national currency, the Malawi kwacha, by 44 percent in early November 2023; as of 24 November, the Malawi [...]
On 12 May 2023, the Government of Zimbabwe announced a six-month suspension of import licenses, import duties and import taxes on several basic commodities. The measure, which was adopted with [...]
On 10 April 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan announced a six-month ban on the import of wheat by road into the national territory. The aim is to support [...]
On 6 April 2023, the Government of Georgia lifted a temporary restriction on the export of wheat, which was introduced in July 2022 to ensure the national food security. The [...]
On 19 January 2023, the Government of Liberia issued Executive Order No. 115, which extends Executive Order No. 106 on the suspension of import tariffs on agricultural inputs and machinery. [...]
On 4 January 2023, the Government of Liberia issued Executive Order No. 113,suspending, with immediate effect, import tariffs on semi/wholly milled and broken rice.  The new order effectively continues zero [...]
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