Food Policy and Market Developments

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On 24 December 2019, the Government announced the suspension of the 35 percent import duty on soft wheat, set in September last year (FPMA Food Policies), from 2 January to [...]
On 14 December, the Government eliminated the export tax limit of ARS 4 per USD 1 of export value for a number of commodities, including wheat, maize, sorghum and barley, [...]
Amid rising food prices, the Government temporarily reduced the import tax for imported wheat flour from LKR 36 per kg to LKR 8 per kg, effective from 14 December. In [...]
On 28 November, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) raised the minimum support price of wheat from the previously-announced level of PKR 1 350 per 40 kg (FPMA Food Policies) to [...]
In late November, an announcement made by the Government of Zimbabwe indicated the temporary removal of import controls on maize and wheat flour, amidst a tight supply situation of key [...]
On 13 November, the Economic Co-ordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet announced an increase in the wheat procurement price by nearly 4 percent to PKR 1 350 (USD 8.62) per [...]
On 23 October, the Government increased the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for the 2020 winter “Rabi” crops, about to be planted. The MSP for wheat, the main “Rabi” crop, was [...]
On 15 October, the Government began implementing the price guarantee scheme. Under the scheme, which will run from October this year to February 2020, if market prices drop below the [...]
On 15 October, the Government’s Leading Committee for Farmers Rights Protection and Interests Promotion announced the floor price for the 2019/20 main and second season low-quality paddy crops. The price [...]
On 14 October, the Government announced an indefinite ban on imports and exports of all goods through land borders nationwide. A partial closure of the borders was already implemented on [...]