Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Agriculture and Trade Departments set standardized labels and Suggested Retail Prices (SRP) for rice, which became effective on 27 October. Rice would only be identified as regular milled, well [...]
In late October, the Mexican Food Security Agency under the Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa) announced the reintroduction of guaranteed prices for key crops, maize, [...]
In mid-October, the Government imposed restrictive measures on the exportation of maize grain and maize meal products. These restrictions are reportedly temporary, in order to allow the Food Reserve Agency [...]
On 23 October, the Government lifted a ban on the imports of basic commodities, including food products, which had been in place since 2016. The measure aims to boost dwindling [...]
On 19 October, the Government announced a suspension of the import duty on soft wheat, currently at 135 percent, between 1 November and 31 December 2018. The import duty is [...]
On 3 October, the Ministry of Agriculture of India increased the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for 2019 winter - Rabi - crops, currently being planted and to be harvested from [...]
On 30 September, the Government raised the minimum price of a 50 kg bag of wheat by almost 150 percent as an incentive to farmers in central parts of the [...]
On 17 September, the Government fixed the price of a standard loaf of the so-called “social” bread for low-income population at UZS 1020 (USD 0.12). This type of bread is [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture announced in September that maize grain held by the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a government parastatal that procures and sells cereals, will be sold [...]
On 4 September, the Government introduced a 12 percent export duty on all products, valid with immediate effect until 31 December 2020 (Decree 793/2018). The measure aims to increase government [...]