Food Policy and Market Developments

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On 5 September, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan implemented a free-floating exchange rate regime, removing the peg of the local currency (som) against the US dollar, which resulted in an [...]
The Government announced the launch of the country-wide Open Market Sale (OMS) of rice from next week. OMS is a public food distribution programme, which sells rice and wheat at [...]
On 8 September, the Government further reduced (FPMA Food Policies) the wheat import tariff by 60 percent to ZAR 379.34 (USD 28.74) per tonne. Tariff adjustments are implemented when the [...]
On 31 August, the European Commission announced an increase in the import duty for maize from EUR 5.16 (USD 6.13) per tonne, set early in the month (FPMA Food Policies), [...]
The Food Contract Corporation, the national body managing the state grain reserves, announced the procurement prices for the 2017 grains. Purchasing prices for wheat fall under selected ranges according to [...]
The Government announced the temporarily removal of the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) on imported and local rice set last February (FPMA Food Policies). The measure follows cuts on import taxes [...]
The Government announced a price ceiling for rice will come into force from 1 September. The maximum retail price (MRP) for medium quality rice is set at IDR 9 450 [...]
The Government issued the Executive Order No. 87; effective as of August 22, which extends Executive Order No. 80 of August 2016 on the suspension of the import tariff on [...]
The Government announced it will reduce further import duties on rice to 2 percent from the previous 10 percent, which was set in June, down from 25 percent (FPMA Food [...]
The European Union (EU) has reinstated an import duty on maize, which was zero since November 2014. The decision was triggered by low prices in the international market amid ample [...]