Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Government has further reduced import taxes on rice. The LKR 5 (USD 0.03) import tax set in January 2017 (FPMA Food Policies) was cut to LKR 0.25 (USD 0.002) [...]
The Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the Government parastatal mandated to manage the national strategic stock and engage in market facilitation, recently announced the purchasing prices of selected food staples during [...]
The Government announced that as of August it will stop providing subsidies to millers and bakeries that produce subsidized bread. Under the current system, the Government subsidizes flour and bread [...]
On 26 June, the Government announced a ban on the exports of unprocessed food crops, including maize, the main staple. The measure aims to ease supply pressure and curb food [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of India increased the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for 2017 Kharif crops, now being planted and to be harvested from September onwards. The [...]
The Government announced it will reduce import duties on rice to 10 percent from the current 25 percent. The measure aims to curb prices of rice, which reached record highs [...]
The Government has halted maize imports on account of expectations of a bumper output this year; the issuance of import permits was restricted about four months ago and now maize [...]
The Government of Jordan in early June announces increased purchasing prices for local wheat and barley. Prices were increased by more than 10 percent to JOD 500 (USD 354) per [...]
The East African Community (EAC) has removed or reduced the Common External Tariff (CET) on some imported food products for Rwanda, in an effort to ease supply pressure and curb [...]
The Government has recently confirmed a 10 percent tax on exports of white maize grain. The introduction of the export duty was first announced in January with the approval of [...]