Food Policy and Market Developments

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The National Food Supply Agency (CONAB) of Brazil will offer 7 100 tonnes of rice paddy for sale through an auction on January 19, the first one in 2017. The [...]
The Government increased the minimum price of maize to RWF 200 (USD 0.24) per Kg for the main season 2017 A, from 160 (USD 0.19) per kg last year, an [...]
On 30 December, the Government approved new export rebates for a large number of agricultural products. The modified export rebate levels vary upon the product’s stage in the production chain, [...]
The Government reduced taxes on certain types of imported rice with immediate effect, as part of its efforts to ease rice prices which increased considerably in the last quarter of [...]
The Ministry of Finance decided to remove tax incentives on paddy and husked rice given to importers, lifting the duty to the same level of fully-processed rice. Import duties were [...]
The Government raised the maximum prices of petrol by up to some 20 percent on 1 January. Prices of standard and premium grade fuel were increased by 14.2 and 20.1 [...]
The Government started in late December the release of about 150 000 tonnes of paddy rice to millers, which will be then sold at reduced prices, after milling, via government-owned [...]
Traders have reportedly stopped wheat imports due to financing problems resulting from the Central Bank crisis. Local banks have difficulties to convert the local currency into US dollars, needed to [...]
The Economic Co-ordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet has set the 2017 wheat procurement price at PKR 1 300 (USD 12.34) per 40 Kg, the same as in the past [...]
The Government, on 8 December, eliminated the 10 percent import duty on wheat with immediate effect. The tax had already been reduced from 25 percent to 10 percent on 23 [...]