Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Food Contract Corporation (FCC), the national body managing the state grain reserves, announced in early December an increase in the purchase price ranges for wheat according to quality, which [...]
The Cabinet of the Syrian Arab Republic, the state's executive and administrative body, increased the procurement price of wheat and barley for the next season. The price of wheat has [...]
The Government announced it will procure 300 000 tonnes of rice from millers from the ongoing Aman crop (April - December), increasing the procurement price to BDT 33 (USD 0.41) [...]
In several countries of the subregion, fuel prices have increased in the past few months, mainly reflecting the depreciation of national currencies and fiscal measures aimed at easing the burden [...]
The Government increased the purchasing price of maize to KES 3 000 (USD 29) for a 90 kg bag from the previous level of KES 2 300 (USD 22) set [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture of India increased the Minimum Support Prices (MSP) for 2017 winter - Rabi - crops, currently being planted and to be harvested from March onwards. The [...]
The Government resumed the minimum support price for paddy rice after 18 years. The minimum price of mota dhan, an improved variety of paddy, was fixed at NPR 20 700 [...]
The Government is taking measures to support rice prices, which have been declining, with seasonal trends exacerbated by downward pressure from an expected good output and a slowdown in exports [...]
The National Food Security Act (NFSA) was rolled out in Kerala and Tamil Nadu states on 3 November, marking the implementation of the Act in all states and union territories [...]
In September, the Government centralised sales of wheat flour, selling it directly to registered bakeries at AOA 10 000 (USD 60) per 50 kg bags, compared with the nearly AOA [...]