Food Policy and Market Developments

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Egypt, the world’s largest wheat importer, set the wheat procurement price for next year's harvest at EGP 450 per ardeb (150 kilos), 7 percent higher than in the past years [...]
The Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a government parastatal that procures and sells grain, started selling maize on 24 October 2016 at a subsidised price of MWK 250 (USD [...]
The Rice Policy and Management Committee set the pledging price of the 2016/17 main season rice crop at THB 13 000 (USD 371) per tonne. The Bank of Agriculture and [...]
As of mid-October, the Viet Nam Food Association (VFA) lowered the minimum export price for 25% broken rice by nearly 6 percent. The new minimum price has been set at [...]
In mid-October, the Government revoked all maize export permits except for humanitarian purposes. The measure aims to ensure that the country has sufficient domestic supplies to meet national needs and [...]
The Government announced it will keep the 2017 minimum support price for wheat at CNY 2 360 (USD 349) per tonne, the same level as in the past three years. [...]
The Government of China halted auctions of maize from state reserves, a normal practice during the harvest, which is currently ongoing. Auctions were suspended last week and will resume after [...]
In September, the Government reversed its earlier implementation of an import ban on South African maize meal products, which was imposed in May to protect local producers from lower-priced imports. [...]
The Government implemented a number of measures to prevent rice prices from falling ahead of the main season harvest in November. Apart from temporarily suspending the release of rice from [...]
The Association of Master Bakers and Caterers of Nigeria, AMBCON, an independent umbrella body for baking professionals, announced that the price of bread, biscuits and other related products would be [...]