Food Policy and Market Developments

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The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced the 2017 low-tariff rate import quotas for wheat, maize and rice. The quota for wheat has been set at 9.6 million tonnes, [...]
In early October, the Government authorized the importation of 63 000 tonnes of paddy free of tariffs, to be shipped from January 2017. The measure follows the issuance of a [...]
The Government prolonged the duty exemption on maize shipments from non-Mercosur countries until 31 December this year. The duty had already been removed in late April for a period of [...]
The National Food Supply Agency (CONAB) of Brazil offered 14 900 tonnes of rice paddy for sale through two auctions on October 7. This follows a previous release in late [...]
The Government launched a new social safety net scheme in mid-September, titled “Food-Friendly Programme for the Ultra-Poor”, targeting some 5 million poor families across the country. The scheme aims to [...]
The Government, on 23 September, cut import taxes on wheat, potatoes and palm oil. The wheat import tax was reduced from 25 percent, effective since October 2015 (FPMA Food Policies), [...]
The Government of the Russian Federation announced the removal of the wheat export duty on 23 September, as announced in late August (FPMA Food Policies). The duty was first introduced [...]
Egypt, the world's largest buyer of wheat, lifted the import ban on wheat containing ergot, a common grain fungus, on 21 September, and returned to the international standard of allowing [...]
The Food Contract Corporation, the national body managing the state grain reserves, announced the new procurement prices for 2016 grains on 8 September. The Corporation has announced different purchase price [...]
The Government approved a special loan package of USD 27 million to rice millers to buy rice paddy from farmers. The total includes USD 20 million from the government’s budget [...]