Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Ministry of Agriculture and the milling industries have signed the agreement setting the procurement prices for the purchase of the 2016 cereal crops. The price for white maize, fit [...]
The Indonesian Trade Ministry set the reference prices for a number of basic food items, including rice, maize and soybeans on 9 September through a Ministerial Regulation. For each food [...]
The Government has auctioned on 15 September a 50 000 tonnes of maize from its state reserves. This follows a previous auction for a same volume on 23 August (FPMA [...]
The State Agency for Material Resources under the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) has increased the procurement price of high quality wheat from AZN 270 (USD 165) per tonne to [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs has recently announced the procurement of 360 000 tonnes of rice for state-controlled rice reserves, plus 30 000 tonnes destined for food [...]
The National Food Supply Agency (CONAB) of Brazil put 35 000 tonnes of rice paddy to sale through two auctions on September 1 and sold nearly 50 percent of the [...]
The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Government of Pakistan increased the regulatory duty on wheat imports from 40 percent to 60 percent. The duty was already increased in June [...]
The Government has issued the Executive Order No. 80; effective as of August 25, which extends Executive Order No. 70 of June 2015 on the suspension of the import tariff [...]
The Government of the Russian Federation has proposed to abolish the duty on wheat exports from September 15 to July 2018. The duty was first introduced in February 2015 and [...]
The Government announced that it would put 1 million tonnes of rice from the state reserves to sale through two auctions on 29 and 30 August. One tender will offer [...]