Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Government has authorized a further 500 000 tonnes of maize imports free of duty (under the Tariff Rate Quota Scheme), in addition to 250 000 tonnes already imported free [...]
The Government of Brazil increased the minimum support prices for 2017 summer crops, including rice, maize and beans, to be planted from September. Under this mechanism, if domestic prices go [...]
The Government has extended the ban on food imports (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy) from Western countries (including the United States of America and the European Union) [...]
The Government has approved a further extension of the 25 percent tax on wheat imports, due to end on 30 June (FPMA Food Policies), without specifying a new expiry date. [...]
The Government issued a decree on June 8 that will allow the country to establish tariff-free import quotas from non US-origins for beef and for paddy, husked, milled and broken [...]
The Government of Morocco announced that it will increase the import duty on common wheat to 65 percent from the current level of 30 percent during the harvest period from [...]
The Government of the Buenos Aires province has authorized an increase of up to 23.25 percent of transport costs for cereals, oilseeds and respective sub products. The Government, who regulates [...]
The Government approved on 1 June the increase of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) of the 2016 Kharif crops, about to be planted. The MSP for common (non-basmati) rice, the [...]
The import tariff on wheat is set to increase for a second time in 2016, on account of the continued downward trend in global prices and weakening of the rand [...]
The Government of Zambia announced that maize exports of the new 2016 crop, being harvested and expected to be near-average, will only be authorized from the end of September (the [...]