Food Policy and Market Developments

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In early June 2015, Argentina announced the authorization to export 1 million tonnes of wheat and 100 000 tonnes of flour. The opening of this quota has raised the export [...]
India has approved the increase of MSPs for summer (Kharif) 2015/16 crops. The increase in MSPs which would be effective from the beginning of October will be applicable for various [...]
In early July 2015, Thailand announced plans to auction an additional 1 million tonnes of rice in an open tender as a measure to cut down its accumulated rice stocks. [...]
In August 2014, Russia banned food imports (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy) worth USD 9 billion from the United States, European Union (EU), Australia, Canada and Norway. [...]
In mid-June, the National Food Authroity (NFA) of the Philippines has approved the import of up to 805 200 tonnes of rice (25% well-milled) by private traders. The imports will [...]
Indonesia’s Government plans on procuring low quality rice from farmers in order to protect farmers’ incomes. The price of the lower quality will be set lower than the standard quality [...]
In mid-May 2015, the Bolivian Government removed the subsidy on wheat flour. The subsidy had been in place for 4 years with the aim to stabilize the price of basic [...]
Coffee exports rose to 51 243 tonnes in May 2015 compared with 37 712 tonnes in May 2014. According to the Honduras Coffee Institute officials and exporters, the 36 percent [...]
On the 10th of May 2015, the Government of Bangladesh imposed a 10 percent duty on import of rice as a measure to curb the decline of rice prices. Rice [...]
The Brazilian Government has decided to increase the minimum price for wheat by 4.6 percent in early July. The new minimum price per sack of 60 kilograms of wheat will [...]