Food Policy and Market Developments

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The Government will procure 1 million tonnes of rice and 100 000 tonnes of paddy from the ongoing Boro crop (November-May), keeping the procurement rice price at BDT 32 per [...]
The Government has decided to raise paddy procurement prices of Nadu rice variety by 12.5 percent to USD 339 per tonne. Keeri Samba rice will be procured at a price [...]
The ACORT trade association, which includes major supermarket chains in Russia, has decided to freeze prices on more than 20 socially important items of basic necessity for two months, an [...]
In order to promote purchases of domestic stocks, import tariff-rate-quotas (TRQ) for 2015 will remain unchanged from the previous year at 9.64 million tonnes of wheat, 7.2 million tonnes of [...]
The Government of India has decided to end the levy rice procurement system from the forthcoming 2015/16 (October-September) marketing year. Currently, millers purchase paddy directly from farmers with their own [...]
The Ministry of Agriculture, through the National Food Contract Corporation (FCC), the body responsible for managing food reserves, has allocated 738 000 tonnes of wheat to the regions Astana and [...]
India will sell about 2-3 million tonnes of excess rice buffer stocks under the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS) to bulk buyers, including millers and traders through e-auctions. The strategic [...]
Brazilian gasoline supply will be blended with 27 percent of Ethanol as of 15 February. The previous blend percentage, which had been in place for several years, was 25 percent.. [...]
China will retain the Minimum Rice Purchase Prices (MRPP) at the 2014 level, despite increases in production costs. Last year the MRPP for early indica rice was YUAN 135 per [...]
The Energy Regulation Board (ERB), the statutory organization responsible for regulating the energy sector in Zambia, decreased petroleum products prices on January 15. Retail petrol prices were reduced by 23.1 [...]